Example sentences of "[art] [num ord] time [num] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Peter Butler , 40 , got divorced for the second time two years ago .
2 They said their father contacted them suddenly for the first time two months ago after walking out on them 18 years ago .
3 for the first time five years of ed
4 Why can I read you like a book , when we only met for the first time four days ago ?
5 The Company 's hint was taken , and on 6th July the Charity Commissioners approved the new Board , which met for the first time twelve days later and agreed to advertise for a Headmaster who — after all the fuss and contrary to what may have been expected — was required to be an Anglican clergyman !
6 This is the first time 3 forces have gone into a joint exercise from the outset and I think we 'll see that example spread right across the country to the extent where eventually the whole country will be given police air support .
7 She 'd spotted him for the first time three weekends ago when she 'd walked out on to the nightclub stage to perform her warm-up spot for the star turn of the evening .
8 Marianne is 33 and she married for the third time two years ago .
9 For it was at Upton Park that United lifted the title for the last time 25 years ago .
10 After finishing second to Jackie Stewart the following year he was crowned " king " for a second time twelve months later .
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