Example sentences of "[art] [num ord] [noun] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 On 18 January 1940 , the 1st Bucks landed at Le-Havre .
2 The second unit looks at formal developments in modern European theatre .
3 The second turning starts at the outside edge turning the whole field including the double row towards the hedgerow .
4 The second part starts at the beginning of Term 5 , before the first teaching practice ; it continues for four further weeks at the beginning of term 6 in the same teaching practice school .
5 The second part looks at mixed numeric/character data files .
6 And besides , there were two things bothering him at the same time and he had assumed that the second problem nagging at him had been Cipolla .
7 The second wave occurs at puberty when the young person looks for a sexual partner , and if there has been minimum conflict during the phallic phase this is of the opposite sex .
8 The second finding looks at the impact that CNN has had on the viewing of news .
9 The second movement goes at a spanking pace and the Adagio is fluent and rapt , with the climax more dramatic than usual , almost menacing .
10 The second fire occurred at Acre Rigg Junior School .
11 He 's the second teenager living at the home to have died as a result of solvent abuse .
12 The second shift arrives at 3pm to serve tea and Christmas cake before making the final preparations for the grand supper at 6pm .
13 The second house finished at ten so that would give me plenty of time to get home before my parents .
14 An hour later , the second robbery happened at a branch of Barclay 's Bank in Oxford and at 3 o'clock that afternoon the Aylesbury robbery took place .
15 The second sub-section looks at the implementation of more sophisticated open-loop control schemes and shows that in many cases the choice of software- or hardware-based control depends on the aspects of performance which are most important in the particular application .
16 The second section looks at the various legal provisions which can be said to be concerned with certain specific social and moral educational objectives : the law on sex and race discrimination , religious education and collective worship , sex education and the coverage of political issues in the classroom .
17 The second section looks at Paris and Vienna , and largely drawing on Clark and Schorske , respectively , at the visual arts and the social structuring of urban space .
18 Following the 6th workshop held at Sunderland Polytechnic , we were asked to organise another workshop at the University College of Wales , Aberystwyth .
19 The late-fourth century rebuilding at Chedworth , with the use of stones from the nymphaeum , and associated coins up to the House of Theodosius , clearly indicates a continued occupation of the site , presumably as a small farm .
20 The last two years consisted either of a course in the sixth form aimed at technology-related A levels , or with Youth Opportunity training schemes .
21 The Fourth Council met at the Shrine of Asuryan and chose Caradryel of Yvresse , who was as different from Caledor II as night from day .
22 Wind/U , a complete set of Windows APIs operating under Motif that Bristol wrote , is currently in beta and will ship in in the fourth quarter priced at $50,000 per product license .
23 Members of the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service , staff voluntarily by GPs , are usually the first doctors to arrive at the scene of car accidents where they can give specialist emergency treatment , additional to that provided by ambulance staff .
24 Already , briefly , holder of the world 's flying-start kilometre ( 152.33 m.p.h. on Southport Sands in 1926 ) , he was the first man to travel at 200 m.p.h. over the mile : on 29 March 1927 at Daytona Beach , Florida , driving the huge chain-driven Sunbeam , powered by two World War I Matabele 22½-litre aero-engines , designed by Coatalen , he averaged 203.988 m.p.h. over the mile .
25 However those who survive the first year perform at least as well as traditional students and in some cases slightly better .
26 The first person to arrive at the scene was a flying instructor who had run 300 metres carrying a fire extinguisher to the scene .
27 No bomb was found after a search of the ground with tracker dogs and when the game eventually started over a hour late , both teams , level at 1–1 after the first leg went at each other in an explosive start .
28 Liverpool SC and Renegades shared the first leg spoils at 6–6 , and it was all square again in the second leg , which means it now goes to a three frame play-off at a date to be decided by the committee .
29 She was collecting many valuable print references and sources , far too many to be used at once , and had special archive cupboards built for her which occupied a tall , cavernous room off the first floor landing at the château where she often worked .
30 The CIT thanks Transport Development Group for the fine portrait of Philip Henman which now hangs on the first floor landing at 80 Portland Place .
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