Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] could [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , such a post had its drawbacks : the prince could detain his musicians at will , and , on one occasion , Haydn was obliged to drop his patron a heavy hint — in the form of the ‘ Farewell ’ Symphony — that the court orchestra members had been kept away from their families in Vienna for too long .
2 A column was the rubric under which the writer could put anything at all .
3 When we consider that a typical input/output operation is thousands or millions of times slower than a typical internal operation ( such as the addition of two numbers ) , and that there may be other tasks to which the computer could turn its attention while such an operation is going on , then we can see scope for redesigning the computer in this area .
4 Alternatively , the chairman could do it on his horn , ca n't he ?
5 A survey by NCC has revealed clearly that all of the woodland could regenerate itself naturally if sheep grazing was prevented or substantially reduced ; the cost of fencing for this purpose can be as much as £3,500-£8,000 for a 20 hectare wood depending on its shape and the terrain encountered , making the costs often prohibitive .
6 Pregnant women are generally advised to reduce their MHR by about 20–25 per cent — the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists cautiously recommends that pregnant women do n't exercise above 140bpm — so the Pacer could help you run sensibly during pregnancy .
7 The division could close us down .
8 Once more the West could do nothing to oppose the Russian action .
9 He claimed it was part of a plot to split his country so the West could control its oil supplies .
10 The rejection of the peace plan , and the possibility that the West could find itself in military confrontation with the Bosnian Serbs , raises the threat of a more general Balkan war .
11 ‘ As the fakes wear out twice as fast as proper pads , the driver could hit his brakes one day and the car would swerve violently to the side where the real pad has been fitted , ’ he said .
12 Some versions substituted for the front pair a .5 Browning heavy machine gun , and some jeeps had a single Vickers fitted in such a way that the driver could operate it .
13 The driver could take me all the way to Inverness if I wanted .
14 You each had a Black Baby and the donation of a penny a week out of your pocket money meant that the Sister could move your small paper cut-out one step higher to God .
15 A spokesman said : ‘ If the parrot could talk it might have said something unpleasant about having its wings clipped . ’
16 For example , one valuable task to which the College could turn its hand is the gathering together and classification of material relating to further education in Wales .
17 A spell out of the side could make him restless .
18 The field-worker was a captive audience to whom members of the force could display their competence when riding around Easton in a police vehicle , and conversations were punctuated by policemen pointing out significant sites and personnel .
19 Look up " kitchen-sink " in the Oxford English Dictionary ( second edition ) , and explain how the entry could help you put together an essay on kitchen-sink drama .
20 Democrats , whilst welcoming Bush 's retreat on the tax issue , argued that it was unreasonable to expect Democrats to associate themselves with spending cuts and tax increases , if they could not be certain that the President could hold his own party to such a deal .
21 But he remained convinced that if only the Elector could hear him he would change his mind :
22 Mr Ashdown descended on the area yesterday for the third time in his marathon campaign amid growing recognition among Tories that the South-West could prove their Achilles ' heel , a danger underlined by the Press Association opinion poll which showed a swing against the Conservatives in the region of six per cent .
23 The programme could make it much easier for geologists to discover deposits of minerals in rocks hidden beneath layers of relatively young sedimentary material .
24 If the student demonstrated by his choices that he did not fully understand a particular point then the programme could send him round an additional explanatory loop .
25 Hahnemann felt that the ‘ single dose and wait ’ philosophy left too long a period of inaction and the speed of cure often too slow as the practitioner could do nothing but wait for the remedy to complete its ' curative curve .
26 It was undesirable to make an order which would in practice be executed before the defendant could avail himself of that opportunity .
27 Her mind leapt as high as the moon — somehow she knew the seal could answer her heart 's desire — but how could she make it happen ?
28 Nobody who heard the tape could doubt his guilt .
29 If you should decide to tell Dysart about me and Virginia , bear in mind The Courier could make your life here in England very unpleasant for you .
30 No doubt 1st class golfers would have their own horse conveyance , having an advantage which we today do not enjoy , namely that after ‘ refreshment ’ in the clubhouse the horse could find its own way home .
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