Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] as [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 This was the reason I asked you to return to the house of your childhood : because the places we have loved — or hated — as children remain in the mind as almost a structuring force .
2 Many feminists , by contrast , see the home as predominantly a back region for a man returning home from work : one where he can be himself , and largely at the expense of women 's autonomy and escape .
3 Palatine , on the other hand , remains loyal to the image of the pub as basically a ‘ boozer ’ , and few of our establishments really encourage patronage by women and mixed company .
4 Science popularisers often make the same claim , dismissing the Sun as just a run-of-the-mill star .
5 ( Similarly , he identifies the law as both an ISA and part of the RSA since it functions both to coerce and to reproduce ruling class values . )
6 Government negotiators , however , reportedly declined to accept this interpretation , seeing the zone as simply an area where the rebels could disarm and disband .
7 They see the child as basically a , a little animal , a wild animal , who has to be tamed , and er , disciplined and controlled by er , various means , and er , this is the , I think the view of the child that was more popular in British education , at least traditional education , which erm , for the public schools of Eton , which in this country was based on er , on er brutality , I think there 's the only word you can call it .
8 The careful and precise manner in which these financial arrangements were laid down suggests that many who served saw the war as essentially a business enterprise holding out the promise of substantial rewards for those who were fortunate or who distinguished themselves in the field .
9 An advertising campaign that went on about the law of averages did n't seem to help when much of the press criticism rounded on the Escort as exactly a car for Mr Average .
10 In most histories the massacre is said to mark the end of Mughal Delhi 's greatness , yet Khan clearly sees the invasion as only a temporary setback for the city .
11 It derives , rather , from a picture of the self as fundamentally a unitary , conscious and rational thing , a picture which , in Western philosophy , can be traced back to Descartes .
12 In effect , the service portrayed the adolescent as essentially a dependent person .
13 The training , involving all personnel , revolves around changing attitudes to work situations and regarding each member of the workforce as both a customer and a supplier .
14 Clarence sprawled on the counter as only a cat can , performing an intimate and meticulous toilet .
15 This last point is politically most important for Engels since he uses it to show how the development of the State implies the destruction of the egalitarian and communally-based gens : a proof of the Marxist view of the State as fundamentally a class institution , a view first developed in The German Ideology .
16 What is missed by those who follow Nettl 's view , is that a number of Marxists would probably agree , in the sense that the idea of the state as merely an agent distorts the observed contradictions within the bourgeoisie , and assumes a purely passive role for the state in capitalism .
17 The Trust is also keen to develop the district site across the road as both a GP centre and a nursing home .
18 I remember the psychiatrist as quite a young man with a quiet , gentle manner .
19 Other visitors might have seen the business-card as merely a piece of litter — it could have stayed there , its drawing-pins slowly rusting , for years ; but Flaubert gave it function .
20 Furthermore , in forging a connection between juvenile employment and education , they helped to portray the transition as essentially an educational rather than a trade process .
21 To appreciate this was to see the problem as ultimately a problem of living , and as uniquely relevant to a recently unified and politically ascendant Germany .
22 And I always look on a writer as only a beginner .
23 Thus we shall be plunged into a show trial of the public morality every bit as much a barometer of our times as the Lady Chatterley case back in the Sixties .
24 Apart from programs designed for vertical markets or specially written for a particular job , most of the products you 'll find are ‘ pen aware ’ which means they can recognize a pen as both a mouse and an input device , but do n't have any other facilities to take advantage of the pen .
25 France had never at heart been enthusiastic about the EDC , regarding it at a minimum as perhaps a lesser evil : fundamentally , it did not want West German rearmament .
26 The editorial policy that he pursued in Monde was ultimately no doubt as much a product of his natural inclination for popular front co-operative politics , as it was a consequence of his scepticism regarding the possibilities for the development of proletarian literature in interwar capitalist France dominated by a hegemonic bourgeois cultural tradition .
27 In what circumstances would it be inappropriate to recognize a cost as either an expense or an asset ?
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