Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] that [pers pn] 've " in BNC.

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1 The weakness that we 've identified is that because we 're new we have n't learnt the game .
2 The women centre has served a vital need for the community over the last six or seven years , and if it closes down all that work is basically gone and all the support that we 've build up has gone , because basically there 'll be nowhere that women can go to socialise and to find out what 's going on in Oxford .
3 Then , for the following one we bought the first meals on wheels van so that with all the money that we 've collected for Harlow day we bought something out of the money .
4 Er we 're going to er get it drafted up and er we have some money in the , we have some money in our budget , for a gift , and it seems to me appropriate erm that the gift that we might make to Cheskevod is the s trading charter which we can get for the money that we 've budgeted er written by a calligrapher who I 've already contacted , who said that they can do it erm well , for that sort of price , in both English and Czech .
5 What they 're able to do with that money this year and in that way we can make a reasonable assessment as to what has to be done next year and the years after and budget all , but we 're talking about how they 're going to spend the money that we 've just earlier on voted for , for us so that we can see what is being done and also that the public can see because after all this all came up , the report to the ombudsman and the public will not be satisfied about our performance on that .
6 but then they said work , they wo n't let them , the money that they 've got on council houses , they wo n't let them spend it you see that ?
7 How do you find it erm find like getting by financially on the money that you 've got .
8 If we go back to that first , second slide , if you 're still alive in thirty years time , you may actually want the money that you 've gifted to people ten years ago , and erm that 's the problem you 've got .
9 we also rely on the fact that the case that I 've drawn to your Lordships attention yesterday , is this was the case in the supplementary bundle where your Lordship will recall that er on the issue of export credit guarantee
10 So if you could precis or select from the text that you 've already prepared for the annual report , something that will go in there that says why your functions are
11 they were that , and they and this is pre the progress that they 've made
12 They are not actually all that difficult , as we 've been finding in the teaching that we 've been doing where indeed we have students who take a ten week course , sort of once a week , and by about week six they 're already beginning to do that , they 're beginning to work out their own problems erm puzzles and games and little language understanding programs and that 's commonplace , actually .
13 Now , I agree with the point that you 've just made and I 've heard some other people say , well the teaching that they 've got so far is n't going to influence what they see in their second year .
14 I respect the fact the Hunt are here , er I respect the fact the literature that they 've sent us , from all sides of the fence , from the League Against Cruel Sports , the hunting fraternity , it 's been very helpful .
15 So what that booklet does , is do the bit that we 've just been talking about .
16 I would er agree actually with what I think Mr was a saying on balance , that 's it 's best to go with the bit that you 've got rather than hold that up to , to er to come back to Road later .
17 Can I listen to the the bit that you 've done ?
18 Christ God dealt with the problem which spoiled his image in us and he has to do it because of fundamental thing , he 's got ta do it from the centre , you know you can get an apple , an ordinary apple and you can polish it up and you can have it so that it 's bright and glistening and the red is almost you know it , it , it , it almost dazzles you the shining on it , it 's got a real good polish on the skin , but inside , there 's a grub , and all the polishing in the world does n't get rid of the grub , and you see that 's so often what we do , we polish and polish away on the outside , that 's gon na make us better but it 's only skin deep because inside the grub is having a field day , he 's having a party of all party 's , he 's got an whole apple to himself and the grub of sin in your life and in my life is having , has a field day and we polish the outside and we try and make it look good and we be we become presentable and there like the apple on the market stall it looks good , it looks tremendous until you take a bite out of it and you see in the bit that you 've bitten there 's a , there 's a hole going through and you wonder where the grub is , is it in the bit that 's left or in the bit that you 've eaten and this is just like sin you see in our lives and so God in Christ he did n't deal with the outside bit , he did n't bother trying to make our conditions better , he did n't bother trying to work on the outside , that 's the difference between the gospel and social work and there 's nothing wrong with social work , it 's just that it 's going , it 's coming from the wrong end , it starts on the outside , it will educate people if we give them better housing , if we give them better circumstances , if we give them better wages , now all these things are right and that we should have them , but that does n't make any difference , you see , the person is a sinner , all he becomes if you educate him is an educated sinner , if you give him a huge pay rise all he becomes is a rich sinner , if you put him in a palace all he becomes is er a sinner living in a palace , it does n't make any basic difference to the person .
19 Christ God dealt with the problem which spoiled his image in us and he has to do it because of fundamental thing , he 's got ta do it from the centre , you know you can get an apple , an ordinary apple and you can polish it up and you can have it so that it 's bright and glistening and the red is almost you know it , it , it , it almost dazzles you the shining on it , it 's got a real good polish on the skin , but inside , there 's a grub , and all the polishing in the world does n't get rid of the grub , and you see that 's so often what we do , we polish and polish away on the outside , that 's gon na make us better but it 's only skin deep because inside the grub is having a field day , he 's having a party of all party 's , he 's got an whole apple to himself and the grub of sin in your life and in my life is having , has a field day and we polish the outside and we try and make it look good and we be we become presentable and there like the apple on the market stall it looks good , it looks tremendous until you take a bite out of it and you see in the bit that you 've bitten there 's a , there 's a hole going through and you wonder where the grub is , is it in the bit that 's left or in the bit that you 've eaten and this is just like sin you see in our lives and so God in Christ he did n't deal with the outside bit , he did n't bother trying to make our conditions better , he did n't bother trying to work on the outside , that 's the difference between the gospel and social work and there 's nothing wrong with social work , it 's just that it 's going , it 's coming from the wrong end , it starts on the outside , it will educate people if we give them better housing , if we give them better circumstances , if we give them better wages , now all these things are right and that we should have them , but that does n't make any difference , you see , the person is a sinner , all he becomes if you educate him is an educated sinner , if you give him a huge pay rise all he becomes is a rich sinner , if you put him in a palace all he becomes is er a sinner living in a palace , it does n't make any basic difference to the person .
20 he 's happy , er said are you happy with all the preparation that we 've done
21 The recession that we 've gone through in materials and elsewhere in the economy has taught us , or should have taught us I believe , a very clear lesson and that is that we must end the situation that 's in the building materials industry where our members rely for a reasonable standard of living on bonus earnings the problem being of course that as soon as the recession starts to bite , then the bonus pay becomes very vulnerable to attack and reduction by the employers .
22 ‘ I can only express the hope that you 've not endangered your niece 's life by such behaviour . ’
23 Which is the story that you 've been hearing about ?
24 She called me an old snout , flipping thing is right , like thing like the noise that I 've
25 I find that is the situation that I 've tried to er , guard against with the budget that we 've been put in on this occasion , and I hope that answers er , er , Mr but er , I 'll answer any other questions that are put up .
26 the provision of electricity and water to the site , but within the original budget and with the estimates and quotations we 've had , there will be some money available for the erection of a small sign , so perhaps er I propose that we do that within the budget that we 've already established for the purchase of the ground , wh which is within budget at the moment , so if there 's any spare after the provision of electricity and water to the site , suggested .
27 The purpose of general management is to try and ensure that in the city that we are getting the best value we can from the health resources that are in the city , and I have the authority now , and the responsibility to spend the budget that I 've had allocated from the Oxfordshire Health Authority , by Gerald Simon who 's the general manager .
28 We 'd stick it in the freezer that we 've got downstairs .
29 Simply in light of the the vote that we 've just been held ?
30 So I hope that you will agree or confirm the action that we 've taken in expressing those sorts of views .
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