Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] that [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Possibly no one will ever know just how much this particular gang made in ill gotten gains over their evil enterprise , but there was little doubt at the time of the trial that quite a fortune had been amassed and that most of the principals would be rich men when they came out of prison .
2 It will rarely be the case that either an animal or a human will be provided with the opportunity to mate with an absolutely ideal member of the opposite sex .
3 However , when language is used within a specific domain , it is often the case that only a subset of those senses is appropriate .
4 The catalogue recalls that in 1938 Brame and Lorenceau held an exhibition of Rousseau 's work which contributed to the revival of interest in that artist 's work , and goes on to express the hope that eventually a museum devoted to Barbizon painting may be set up .
5 Before the train stops every door is opened and all try to get out at once , with the result that not a few alight on their faces .
6 A light sampling approach is employed with the result that only a few students , in each of a representative sample of schools , are required to complete tests .
7 When the fitness craze first took hold , both in Britain and in the United States , some people threw themselves into an orgy of aerobics , weight training or jogging with the result that quite a large number of them suffered injuries of one sort or another .
8 There is very considerable force in the submission that once a refusal to treatment is expressed and held to be valid and binding on the hospital , as I have found , then that consent or that refusal should continue to prevail and dictate the outcome of this case .
9 Do not underestimate the effect that even a small operation has on your body and your nervous system .
10 Finally , there is the danger that once an organisation disbands its own workforce it may be exploited by monopolistic outside suppliers .
11 However , comparative studies of Wyrwoll & smyth ( 1985 ) , who suggested that the ‘ improved ’ performance may be partly a function of shape-influenced deficiencies in the sieving technique , led to the conclusion that only a marginal improvement in fitting over the log-normal curve was achieved .
12 Implicit within the ruling was the concept that once an abortion restriction had been upheld in one state , other states could implement it , an interpretation which effectively made it more difficult to challenge the imposition by individual states of restrictions as long as they were within the guidelines established by the Court 's ruling in June 1992 on Roe v. Wade [ see p. 38954 ] .
13 The result of social and cognitive tests administered to the children between the ages of one and three obliged the authors to conclude that their data provided ‘ little or no support for the notion that how a mother interacts with her baby during the baby 's first few months of life has any particular consequences for later social or cognitive development ’ .
14 The other motivation for European Union came from the newly-freed countries of Central Europe themselves , who favoured it in the knowledge that only a strong Community , closely knit in a European Union , would have the resources and united will to assist them towards eventual EC membership .
15 Decision : it was clear to the Court that a sentence of detention in a young offender institution could be justified under Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s.1(4A) ( b ) , on the ground that only a custodial sentence was adequate to protect the public from serious harm from him .
16 Why do the Government reject the argument that even a Home Office Bill is capable of improvement ?
17 On 22 January 1917 , President Wilson responded to the obduracy of the Allies with a passionate endorsement of the argument that only a peace without victory could lay the foundations for a world without war :
18 A number made the comment that only a small part of the training was of direct use on the family unit .
19 Severe criticism of these ideas did little to detract from the belief that even a sickly press was preferable to the Soviet and authoritarian theories outlined by Siebert et al .
20 The second factor that argues against the theory that only a low increase in inflation will result from devaluation is the attitude of the workforce , where wages account for 60% of unit costs .
21 Though she had been quite a successful model herself Arlene had never reached those giddy heights — the thought that now a pupil and protégé of hers might achieve it made her prickle with excitement .
22 Here again it is unrealistic to expect the law of any state to list modes of service which are not allowed ; the policy of the authors of the draft that only a positive prohibition should ‘ stand in the way of granting a request for service ’ gives inadequate weight to the interests of the state of destination .
23 It is in the heart of Manchester , but for many years industry and commerce have been moving away from the city centre , increasing the risk that only a lifeless core will be left .
24 The assumption that once a gall stone inducing risk factor is present it will persist may not always apply .
25 To this gloss on the idea that even a thief should have to screw his courage to the sticking-place , Johnson adds the argument that if all else he had written were lost , Shakespeare should have become immortal for the way in which he shows Macbeth ‘ distinguishing true from false fortitude in a line and a half ’ : In Johnson 's footsteps , these roads across Scotland 's shoulder become Shakespeare country .
26 But then this leads to the idea that perhaps a number of women do not enjoy being part of a couple and that a single woman in their midst acts like a demented lighthouse : enticing hapless travellers , by its safe and steady beam , on to the rocks below .
27 And as for ‘ Late Night Grande Hotel ’ , it 's deceptively simple in the way that only a certain guileful sort of Southern-trained musicians can be .
28 A further illustration of the principle that only a real loss of earnings is recoverable is provided by the decision of the House of Lords in Dews v National Coal Board [ 1988 ] AC 1 .
29 I accept the need to counter the myth that only a biological mother can adequately care for a child , but to say that in the interests of women 's liberation we will pay anyone except the child 's mother to look after it seems to be going a little far in the opposite direction !
30 Halpern ( 1986 ) derides their apparent conviction that ‘ it is frightening and perhaps even unAmerican to consider the possibility that even a small part of the sex differences in spatial abilities ( or any cognitive ability ) , may be attributed to biological factors ’ ( 1986 : 1014 ) .
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