Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] and [vb base] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So I 'm afraid you 'll just have to contain your Aries impatience a little longer — unless , of course , you intend to call the porter and have me put out … ’
2 To achieve more precise control over the response and quantify it , the researchers immobilized the slug by pinning it to a stage and standardizing the tactile stimulus by using a jet of water delivered with a water-pick .
3 ( See Hall v Marians 19 TC 582 , Wild v King Smith 24 TC 86 , IRC v Gordon 33 TC 226 cf Lord Radcliffe in Thompson v Moyse 39 TC 29 at 337 ; it is not felt that Harmel v Wright 49 TC 149 at 159 alters the position because if one is " keeping one 's eye " ( p157E ) on the income and benefit it does not find its way to the United Kingdom ( it is hardly the case that the income and benefit " come in at one end of a conduit pipe and pass through certain traceable pipes until they come out at the other end to the taxpayer ( in the United Kingdom " ) ) . )
4 It was a means of providing controlled access to the unspoilt beauty of the Park and keep it that way .
5 If you just put the figures in the calculator and write it down and it 's wrong or this one times that one .
6 A phenomenon which can occur on a high speed reach when air bubbles work their way down the skeg and cause it to lose its grip in the water .
7 Death will quickly draw the veil and make us see how near we were to God and one another , and did not sufficiently know it .
8 Quelling an urge to run from the sanctuary , to seize the prince and bring him back before it was too late , she fell on her knees .
9 Select a straight board which is wider than the base and use it to tamp down the concrete …
10 " I shall never forget " , he said , " the support and help he gave me during the critical months of the revolution in 1917 .
11 Above all , show them that you care and will give them all the support and help you can — even if they are in trouble with the law
12 You have a benefactor in your midst who will give you all the support and succour you need emotionally .
13 As Louise moved away she experienced a powerful urge to grab the massager and tug it close to her secret places again but she did not dare .
14 I pick up the bike and return it to the shed .
15 Dunlop rode the Honda which Gawley has had all year and the plan was for Gawley to take over the bike and ride it at Donington .
16 And then er tie a cushion over the back bone of the bike and have me sitting er on on this cushion on the f bike in front of him .
17 In the absence of transactions costs and the option premium this series of contracts would permit the investor to buy the shares at 220p from the writer and sell them in the market for 237p thus gaining a gross profit of 17p per share .
18 If Franz Kafka was to re-write The Trial and set it in Hampden Babylon , the novel 's alienated victim would be a goalkeeper , a solitary figure trapped between the posts , perpetually fearing the penalty .
19 During 1991 , in consultation with Pat Twite , the decision was taken to change the direction of the award and use it to encourage museums and other organisations to strive for improvements in their respective fields and to align the award with the good works of the BAPC .
20 She lifted her hand to the board and let it drop .
21 When you are ready take it off the board and waggle it about .
22 But you do the trick and get him out ?
23 Having been placed on to three lengths of webbing , six men would be required to lift the shell and put it into the case ; the webs were then cut , as it would not have been possible to withdraw them .
24 If your water is soft and acid , it will eat into the shell and dissolve it , and there are insufficient salts available for the animal to maintain it .
25 But Inman said : ‘ The referee did not recognise the technique and let her off the hook . ’
26 Then , after the kettle has boiled you pour the hot water into the cup and add the milk and stir it together and that 's how you make a cup of coffee .
27 Once you 've mapped in the shape , leave it soft , or wet the brush , dip it back into the powder and run it over again for a more liquid line .
28 I want to sleep in my old room , so what I do is take the mattress and stick it back in my old room .
29 I go and sit on the floor by the mattress and watch her .
30 ‘ That meant we had to send two trains up in the morning and bring them back and then two more in the afternoon and bring them back .
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