Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] of the world " in BNC.

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1 The response of the world 's climate to the eruption confirmed predictions of high sensitivity to such events .
2 Chocolate is made from cocoa which was originally grown in Mexico , although the majority of the world 's supply now originates from West Africa .
3 That 's the overwhelming consensus of the majority of the world 's experts who study the climate .
4 The booklet starts with a description of the socio-economic situation of the majority of the world 's population , with its widespread poverty and illiteracy .
5 Indeed in the middle of the twentieth century it can be said that the majority of the world 's population lives under systems of government where the government itself and particularly the executive government are of more importance and are treated with more respect or fear than the Constitution .
6 At present 5 x 10 5 man gray are produced by a small number of the world 's countries with developed radiological facilities , while 2 x 10 4 man gray are produced by the majority of the world 's population who live without the benefit of frequent radiological examinations ( Coggle , 1983 ) .
7 Too often it is exported for foreign exchange while poor people without the money to buy it or the land to grow it go hungry : South Asia still contains the majority of the world 's ‘ absolute poor ’ .
8 The aim of this imaginary economy is gradually to approach the levels of income that are common in the majority of the world , a fraction of Western incomes now .
9 ‘ There must be some reality that can heal the fragmentation of the world . ’
10 They remained so throughout their existence — the force of history and tradition was too strong to be resisted — but they gradually lost the sympathy of the world , which placed a higher value on convenience and common sense than on permanence and impossible loyalties .
11 The cut was said by observers to reflect the gravity of the country 's financial difficulties and the weakness of the world cocoa market .
12 Ignoring the remainder of the world 's population , Mechanic defines hypochondria as a disorder experienced at one time or another by some 70 per cent of apprentice doctors .
13 For although the tide of imperialism has ebbed considerably in most of the remainder of the world , some of the Pacific islands are still too small and their governments too feeble to stand alone as independent states .
14 For Martin Brundle now , the desperate job of maintaining enthusiasm for the remainder of the world championships , while the desperate need of finding a new seat hangs over him .
15 I am making a speech tomorrow about film makers and journalists and the absolute obligation both of us have to express the truth about the complexity of the world . ’
16 The Incas saw Cuzco as ‘ the navel of the world . ’
17 Rapa Nui is a modern Polynesian appellation , and the alternative Te Pito 0 Te Hanua , fancifully translated as ‘ the navel of the world ’ is better rendered as ‘ land 's end ’ , referring to one of the headlands .
18 Perhaps the main priority is to improve the coverage of the world financial wealth variable .
19 As Jhaveri ( 1988 ) reports , this project , which has the support of the World Bank , is being undertaken to reduce the threat of flooding , to provide hydroelectric power and to improve navigation .
20 A sample of youth in north Germany interviewed in the late 1950s still revealed significant traces of the ‘ Hitler myth ’ : he had done much good in abolishing unemployment , punishing sexual criminals , constructing the motorways , introducing cheap radio sets , establishing the Labour Service , and reinstating Germany in the esteem of the world .
21 Essentially , the proofs of the reality of God appealed to him as the only adequate explanation for the existence of the world .
22 It led Hume to be extremely sceptical of the kind of jump that is made when we attempt to argue from the existence of the world to the reality of God beyond the world .
23 But he can not admit any of it really , oh no , for he 's in chronic denial , denial of the existence of the world itself .
24 The English nation , wrote the parliamentarian soldier Walter Blith , ‘ might be made the paradise of the World , if we can but bring ingenuity into fashion . ’
25 We now realise that the great religions of the world are not monolithic institutions but that they all contain several spiritualities — many of which are found right across the board of the world religions — which reflect different attitudes of mind towards our ultimate end .
26 This very brief motion I 've discussed with the convenor who will accept it and also with the general secretary of worl of the board of the world mission who was ready also to co-operate with it .
27 The disc gods themselves , despite the splendour of the world below them , are seldom satisfied .
28 We hope that you will take the opportunity to enjoy one of the most exciting programmes available in Britain : the cinema of the world comes to Birmingham !
29 The Heart of the World by Nik Cohn .
30 Subtract this nonsense padding , though , and there is a good — if slim — book struggling to escape from The Heart of the World .
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