Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun sg] where the " in BNC.

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1 It was only in the typesetting world where the relentless march of Adobe was held back .
2 Sequencing is at its most important in the interview situation where the respondent can not ‘ look ahead ’ ; but , whatever the method of data collection , it is sound policy for questionnaire designers to give some thought to this aspect both to clarify their own thinking and to simplify the respondent 's task .
3 And the light room the machine case where the machine for revolving the five the lens which er weighed about five tons and there were this machine revolved the lens and it was machine was solid brass erm just which had to be polished e e every week and er oh beautiful brass polished brass and nobody ever saw these things you know except maybe the commissioners when they came round no no visitors there .
4 And here , where we 're standing now , this is the act place where the train always whistled when it came round the bend .
5 In front of me I can see one link in the town centre where the improvement would only be twenty one percent .
6 Er er it was like a Molotov co bo cocktail , a thing like that and you put it in the , in the tube and you put a wad of cotton , gun cotton behind it closed the flap at the back onto er just a latch , like a , a door a gate latch which locked it , then fired the cap which fired the gun cotton which sent the well then we we 're trying this out on the waste ground where the , that was then , where the waterworks ' offices are now in Green Lane , well there that was , at that time , that was a glue factory that was the glue factory there ooh .
7 and we were geared more to progress in the education system where the industrial change in the other countries did n't happen at the same time and that they needed now a younger ag a younger age group to keep the , the industrial system going
8 It happened on the hurdling course which is safer than the steeplechase route where the National will be run on Saturday .
9 They will continue to do so , whatever their number , while the problem is seen as mainly one of numbers , of needing more specialist staff to work individually with specific children , away from the learning situation where the difficulty occurs .
10 This includes the default case where the LIFESPAN user name and mapped user name are the same .
11 The history linked with the sea has been , and is being , well documented ; and the land has been exhaustively covered by the historians ; but the littoral — the borderline area where the land is interwoven with the sea , not merely m the physical sense but chiefly in its folk-life or human connotation — has not been much studied .
12 , so he left it all open and I kept finding rolled up socks and of course there 's in the bottom of the airing cupboard where the tank is , and to pick them up and give them a shake and put them back again .
13 Given that in the calibration P 1 and P 2 are the initial prices , and substituting equations ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) into ( 7 ) , the aggregate expenditure index can be written as : The total market elasticity of demand for fertilizer , ε , is then defined and evaluated at the baseline point where the proportional change factor P equals 1 .
14 If there was a swell on the east side where the the grating but there was also a gully landing which you get into the gully but it had to be a very fine day to get into the gully and there was a derrick there er you could a crane there that you could take everything out of the boat but it had to be a very fine day to get into the gully .
15 Contrary to first impressions , it may be disadvantageous in these circumstances for firms to have ‘ home country ’ control of conduct of business rules , if the firm is authorised by a member state with a higher standard of regulation than that of the member state where the branch is established .
16 The member state where the company or its agencies , branches or subsidiaries conduct business must recognise the adequacy of the authorisation given in the former member state and the efficiency of its prudential supervision .
17 Each member state will be the regulatory authority in relation to dealings on its own stock exchange ; in the case of an off-market transaction , the member state where the ‘ victim ’ of the transaction is resident will have jurisdiction .
18 If the securities are to be listed in the member state where the issuer has its registered office , the listing particulars must be drawn up under the laws of , and approved by , the competent authority in that member state .
19 In the case of bids across national borders within the EC , the relevant regulator will be that of the member state where the target has its registered office .
20 Since 1 January 1993 , those services described in Sch 3 , VATA 1983 , supplied to non-EC recipients , are supplied in the country where the recipient belongs , and fall outside the scope of UK VAT ; supplies to EC recipients for the purpose of the recipient 's VAT registered business are supplied in the member state where the recipient belongs , and are outside the scope of UK VAT ; and supplies to EC recipients for other purposes are supplied in the UK and are subject to standard-rated VAT .
21 He , he , he leaped onto somebody in the goal mouth where the post was and i , he turned on a , off the other way in the post , and he landed like that and
22 Statistics like these do not compare well with the animal world where the male rattlesnake apparently lasts twenty-four hours before letting himself go .
23 There was nothing visible downstairs where we were , so immediately went up the stairs at the side to the production level where the blast had come from , and there we met a group of people who had just come out of the control room and they were cut and suffering from shock 'cos the blast had obviously well it d nearly blown the control room apart .
24 By the time I had been an intern for a few more months , doing my rounds in my white coat with stethoscope dangling round my neck ( and feeling very important ) , Father had had to close down the second branch , leaving — for the time being — only the original shop which he had opened near the Market Place where the annual Goose Fair was held .
25 This is one view of thinking but again it is thinking restricted by the limitations of the laboratory situation where the problem must be easily assimilated and the proposed solution is readily measurable .
26 Behind Raymond , near the estate office where the raili , black railings are and you 'll see Fay there and you 'll know what to do .
27 It is a harsh punishment to have to walk the glider all the way back , particularly after a cable break where the glider lands in the middle of the airfield .
28 The speaker establishes that the listener is at a decision point where the route will go via one of two houses ( on the left in Figure 4.1 ) .
29 Sometimes , when he thought he might die , as Eileen had died , some deep and insatiable curiosity about life and living in him , some craving to take with him a deeper knowledge of women and their essence made him long to lie in love with her , to taste the sweetness of her mystery , to see the world just once from a vantage point where the lost and lonely flesh that is man and woman comes together in a healing synthesis .
30 Second , there will be a border area where the two interpretations merge , in the sense that certain particular values for adjective and noun meanings , when joined in an attributive combination , will under either interpretation always correspond to identical external situations ; hence even highly sophisticated investigators might be hard put to it to tell whether a given adjective is simply applicable to X or has as its value having the property of being-related-to-X .
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