Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [that] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The decision to maintain the acceptance of a long-standing invitation to go on Mr. Byrne 's show in Dublin on Friday night was prompted by the opportunity that it afforded to speak to the people of the Republic of Ireland about terrorism and the response of a democratic society .
2 One of the important characteristics of those moves was the support that it represented for British liberalisation policies .
3 A CRE spokesman confirmed to The Scotsman that it had begun an official investigation ‘ which arises from our view that there may have been discrimination in some of the things being done by the education department of Strathclyde Regional Council . ’
4 A CRE spokesman confirmed to The Scotsman that it had begun an official investigation ‘ which arises from our view that there may have been discrimination in some of the things being done by the education department of Strathclyde Regional Council . ’
5 But it was the unanimous view of the board that it manifested contempt towards the divinity of Christ by presenting him as a living man , not a symbol , and as the object of overt sexual passion .
6 Of course , it might be the case that it had been settled long before that .
7 Remarkably , the first sighting of Dr Johnson 's ‘ Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel ’ was in The New Republic in March 1989 ; by which time such a bedrock of well-meaning patriotism had been wedged under the case that it proved difficult , if not impossible , to shift .
8 Nevertheless , while the Report may have rejected the reactionary normativist ideology it is also the case that it did nothing to challenge the dominant legal culture .
9 The daily rotation of the earth on its axis had the advantage that it eliminated the need for the huge outermost sphere to revolve every twenty-four hours .
10 The system offered by the CNAA had the advantage that it drew upon much wider academic expertise than any single institution could offer .
11 Intelligent input/output board supplier , Byfleet , Surrey-based Specialix Ltd , says its flagship product , the transputer-based RIO controller , is n't going down the storm that it had hoped it would : even OEM deals with the likes of Groupe Bull SA have not boosted sales , says marketing director , Ian Cummins , ‘ RIO is not selling as well as we thought it would … and our estimations on its performance in the market are nine months ahead of what has actually happened ’ .
12 His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso , the 14th Dalai Lama , who having fled Tibet in 1959 — nine years after the country was occupied by China — lived in exile in India , welcomed the lifting of martial law but expressed the hope that it represented more than a superficial " public relations exercise " .
13 Before she can answer , they are engulfed by a crowd of young warriors , who want to hear the rumours of the lion hunt and the fight that it provoked confirmed .
14 And on the instant that it happened , Uranus — the electrical disruptor — crossed the same point in the sky .
15 Although Labour was defeated in the General Election of 1924 , the election which saw the publication of the ‘ Zinoviev Letter ’ with the allegation that it revealed the Communist intention to stir the masses of workers to revolution through using the Labour Party and the Anti-Soviet treaty , its vote increased by more than one million , or about 24 per cent , even though the number of Labour MPs was reduced from 191 to 151 .
16 Nizan was clearly justified in treating Aragon 's analysis with the scepticism that it deserved .
17 It appeared round the corner with loud threats of speed , but the colt that it startled from among the gorse , which still flickered indistinctly in the raw afternoon , outdistanced it at a canter ( 2 ) .
18 The afternoon sun on my back was gently warming and the light that it cast on Chola 's and Mina 's faces was as clear and richly brown as amber .
19 In Moscow at least , in official circles the activity in which he saw his life 's meaning was never given the recognition that it deserved .
20 And he said Eventually with ropes and various other tackle it took seven of them to lift the piano back up again out of the gap that it had produced in the stairs and get it up the stairs .
21 Until he cut it down in later years , his run-up was extremely long — and his saunter back to his mark extremely slow — but the speed that it generated undoubtedly justified the length , and the grace of it all was an aesthetic delight .
22 The reason that it became discredited on the scale and at the speed that it did was due to the efforts of the gentleman who introduced it , the right hon. Member for Cirencester and Tewkesbury ( Mr. Ridley ) .
23 The only dish she made that we could tolerate was syrup tart , which we praised extravagantly , with the result that it became our unhealthy staple diet .
24 No pay was given for Bank Holidays , with the result that it took weeks to recover from the loss of income .
25 The stock was always conceived as essentially complementary to the house 's fine interior , with the result that it retained a domestic atmosphere .
26 The brigade that it faced had been forced to give ground .
27 Some of the criticism which its recommendations attracted was due to the perception that it concentrated too much on medical and nursing issues .
28 Circumcision as a rite had been performed in Israel for many centuries , but it was only with the exile that it assumed the character of a covenantal sign between God and his chosen people .
29 ‘ The fact that the Department had , in effect , advised the partnership that it did not need a licence made it difficult for the Department to point a finger of blame at them , ’ says Sir Anthony .
30 But the discovery that it depleted the brain of certain transmitters made it a valuable tool in investigating brain mechanisms .
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