Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [vb -s] [det] time " in BNC.

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1 The male spends much time perched in trees on the lookout both for other Patas and for potential predators .
2 In the absence of an express ( or possibly an implied ) provision to this effect , the SGA provides that time of delivery is not of the essence ( see SGA 1979 , s 10(2) ) .
3 As far as the Bank of England is concerned , the adjustment consists this time of a rearrangement solely of its liabilities .
4 For example , a child might be told that certain behaviours will result in the loss of free time ; if the child misbehaves , the penalty creates a contingent relationship in which the child has less time to play .
5 Once the baby is settled , make sure the child has some time all to herself when she gets a cuddle and your undivided attention .
6 Costs will increase if there are a number of interested parties since the process takes more time .
7 The former makes for a flexibility in design and allows for local idiosyncrasies , while the latter are slightly quicker and ensure that the craftsman spends less time working in the room which is to receive the decoration .
8 That end of the day begins any time between five and seven .
9 Understandably , the extent of the miracle takes some time to penetrate the minds of some of the Israelite people .
10 Bobsy actually drummed for The Beautiful South when they played at The Brit Awards some time ago , so do n't hold on to your ears pop kids .
11 I have hinted that the dawn has many times come to me through the leaves of the willow , but it is less the tree itself nowadays that transmits things seen to my mind — than something of which the willow is a visible type .
12 Furthermore the line has several times been proposed for closure and only strenuous efforts by local politicians and the Heart of Wales Line Travellers ' Association ( HOWLTA ) have kept it open - indeed it is a minor miracle that it survived the Beeching closures .
13 Each time this happens , a file is left in the TEMP directory : –WAL1970.TMP ( the number varies each time ) .
14 The discussion has several times strayed into semiological terminology and it has taken the nature of ideology largely for granted ; both signification and ideology in popular music demand detailed study .
15 This is because , after a sunbird has sucked out the nectar from a flower , the flower takes some time to replenish its nectaries .
16 A more gentle upbringing means that the animal has more time to build up the reserves of fat necessary to lubricate the meat .
17 It can not be repeated too often that a dancer requires less time to make a statement than do words or music .
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