Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [det] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That 's on the bear That 's on the bear .
2 That was in the Mail That was in the Mail .
3 It argued that of the half million British troops overseas , 200,000 were in areas that did not create a foreign currency liability , and of the rest few were in areas requiring direct dollar expenditure ; ‘ it follows that the contribution to be made to the balance of payments problem by the withdrawal of troops in overseas theatres will be strictly limited , will apply only to those areas when there is at present a currency obligation , and will produce little or no direct dollar saving . '
4 These people should be supportive of animal welfare , of course , but with the understanding that being in support of animal welfare is perfectly consistent with utilising animals for human preferences and interests .
5 By the following month Ennex had changed its tune , saying they had bought Mogul on the understanding all was in order .
6 He has respect for the almost tribal traditional wisdom of those whom he later called the ‘ quiet-voiced elders ’ and their ‘ dead secrets , , but in the end these are to be renounced or incorporated in a higher Christian scheme and vision .
7 It was just a case that being in a band would be much more enjoyable without him .
8 The agreement between SAC and FWAG is that where chargeable work arises in the course of the College using FWAG as a consultant this is in accordance with the SAC charging schedules .
9 The boys were younger than me but I remember them coming to school — and what a job that was for them .
10 ‘ What a day that was for 'er , it nearly give 'er permanent ‘ ysterics , though she 's been all right lately , except for 'er chilblains .
11 wait a minute that is for your
12 It is doubtful whether the Evangelicals , in laying so much stress on the last hour as indicator of the soul 's future state , realised how great a departure this was from the eschatology of the early church .
13 ‘ Anyway , I 'm not claiming every penny that was on offer .
14 At five o'clock that Thursday evening she left her office , noticed sourly that her ‘ boyfriend 's ’ Jaguar was in the car park , and drove off to view a flat that was within her means .
15 Now it might be argued as was done by Kant , for example — that the idea of a non-arbitrary , objective , order is built into the very concept of an external object ; that one can not significantly refer to external objects qua external without acknowledging by implication the existence of such an order ; and in a sense this is of course true .
16 One official said ‘ Twenty or so forgeries have turned up so far , but we believe quite a number more are in the system . ’
17 There is no question at all that he meant any harm ; but you will no doubt appreciate how uncomfortable a situation this was for me .
18 He 'd got in with the punks and seen immediately what they were doing , what a renaissance this was in music .
19 I had no idea that being in a commercial rock band would be like this , because I 've never paid attention to other commercial rock bands .
20 What a country this was to police in !
21 Strangely for one who has been so successful , Charlie has never been inundated by offers from English trainers , although no doubt this is in the process of changing following those Cheltenham wins .
22 No doubt this was for the good practical reason that as royal taxation became more frequent separate and additional councils for the church 's own business became more inconvenient : there was a limit to the number of times the clergy could be summoned from their parishes and livings to provincial assemblies in London or elsewhere .
23 But theatre-goers expecting a regulation production of Measure for Measure at Chester 's Gateway Theatre will be in for a surprise this is in modern dress .
24 To claim that Britain has nurtured something in a matter ultimately pertaining to worship ( the choral singing of cathedral and chapel ) which is purified and controlled beyond anything possessed by Catholic Europe , which is purged of excessive artifice and rhetoric ( Continental reviewers consistently find English a cappella performances impassive ) and whose excellence gives Britain a mission these are among the ideas that have been the principal source of British national identity since the Act of Union in 1707 and were a foundation stone of English identity long before .
25 Now on one occasion , as I say this is a conglomerate this is of several things put together , but one happened rather like this .
26 This one in front has obviously got a fear of going more than forty miles an hour that 's for sure oh
27 Of importance in all of this was the CNAA , and it ‘ is steadily being recognized how significant an innovation this was in education ’ .
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