Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [vb pp] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Situated below a hill between the valleys of the Ribble and Eden the bore marked the determination of the LMS to refuse to be beaten by obstacles that could be over-come by sheer practical means .
2 When the boy told him how the police had made the arrests , the Prince called the division commander , whose men had arrested the twenty-four , to listen to what the boy had to say .
3 Following consultations with the British Speedway Promoters ' Association , the Board overruled the decision , made by officials at Exeter , because they believed it to be unfair .
4 Has the board raised the money to pay for the reinstallation ?
5 Where in the authorities difficulty has arisen this has often been the result of the introduction of an issue whether the creditor appointed the debtor as its agent to obtain the signature of the surety to the charge upon which the creditor sought to rely .
6 Coinciding as it did with Alan 's trainee appointment to the firm of Lark and Clarkson , Architects , back in the city where he was born , the money marked the beginning of a new era in Alan and Carolyn 's married life .
7 I eventually solved the problem by two small blobs of hot stick glue which temporarily glued the component to a scrap piece of wood , dimensioned so that the component overhung the scrap all around .
8 As with the original trial , a central aspect of the case involved the extent to which the assault allegations of the children involved had been induced by social workers involved in the case .
9 He gave the Clerk of the Court his name and that of the person he was suing whom the clerk called the defendant .
10 When the householders learned that the completion of the contract marked the start of Ron 's retirement after 35 years , they clubbed together to buy him a carriage clock and bottle of whisky as a thank you gift to remember them by .
11 For Walter Long proposing Law as leader , the decision marked the end of an era , the swansong of the country gentleman .
12 Had Simon the tiler fixed the roof ? he wondered .
13 In 1989 , however , the University allocated the VanDyck Gallery in Park Row to the Collection and the following year , which by a happy coincidence marked its 40th anniversary , the Theatre Collection was able for the first time to mount an exhibition in its own Gallery .
14 Clinton 's reign as world champion has been blemished by controversy because of the debate over the validity of his win over the Mexican , Isidro Perez , to win his title and the verdict given the Scot after his first defence against Danny Porter , from London .
15 R was convicted and appealed , submitting that the misdirection rendered the conviction unsafe .
16 We 've always in the West used the term Russian nationalist as one of abuse , er and that it seems to me as , because it 's always in the past been associated with empire , Russian nationalists in practice have oppressed other people , but after all why should the Russians not be patriotic just as the British as er a citizen or a Frenchman can be patriotic , er provided that that does n't go with oppressing other people .
17 The celebratory boom of cannon echoing from another part of the citadel marked the end of the ceremony and the emperor descended slowly from his throne to shake hands in European fashion with the Resident Superior , and side by side they led the way into an antechamber .
18 ‘ We know of a case where the driver abused the car because of a superstition — there was a number 13 on the number plate . ’
19 Mr Major said that not only had the Budget extended the export credit guarantee scheme but : ‘ Mr Lamont has also cut premiums over the last few months by as much as 27 per cent to help exporters . ’
20 Whether or not the Association regarded the method of debt collection adopted by London Manhattan 's Smelly Tramps Ltd as conforming to the highest ethical standards , it apparently had a high success rate .
21 The architect of the college built the hotel , a bar and stuck a couple of classrooms on the end .
22 The opening paragraph of the chapter titled the Theory of Representative Perception , in the book … , says " … passed on to the brain , and there , by some unexplained process , it causes the brain to have a perception " .
23 The idea of a one-woman tribute was conceived five years ago , when larger-than-life director Bryan Izzard asked me to contribute to a Channel Four programme on the monologue called The Eye Of The Little Yellow Dog , starring , amongst others , the late Leonard Rossiter , Cilla Black , Alec McCowen , Diane Langton , Anita Harris and Ronald Lacey .
24 ‘ When I complained to the court keeper , he agreed the absence of the lock rendered the convenience somewhat inconvenient .
25 Although the C-in-C had initially resisted the formation of the PFF , he gave the Commandant virtual carte blanche in the selection of airfields and staff ; the Command however , insisted that the Force operated the night it was formed , despite an adverse weather forecast .
26 In his letter accepting Mr Frohnmayer 's ‘ resignation ’ , the President called the chairman 's job ‘ one of the most difficult in government ’ .
27 Has the Department completed the review of the investment for safety , as required by Hidden ?
28 Political analysts also agreed that the result marked the eclipse of the traditional political right and centre , which had been obliged to endorse Menem 's conservative economic policies , and marked the isolation of the Peronist left-wing and of other left-wing parties opposed to austerity measures .
29 By letters dated 23 July and 30 July 1985 passing between the plaintiff and the defendant the defendant awarded the plaintiff a haulage contract for the delivery of 40 ZX Computer reader printers at an agreed total charge of £3000 ( exclusive of VAT ) such deliveries to be made at nine specified locations in the United Kingdom during August 1985 after collection from the defendant 's warehouse in Corby , Northamptonshire .
30 Nothing raises the football passions in an area quite like an FA Cup run ; though not since 1936 has the North-East had the luxury of a Football League championship success for comparison .
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