Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [vb base] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The defence have said medical evidence gleaned from tests on Mr Harris ' brain shows he suffers from a rare abnormality .
2 Other writers in the field have made similar points .
3 Giugiaro continues to dominate Seat 's future product plans , giving the company the Latin feel deemed essential by the bosses at VW .
4 ‘ It 's obvious that bands like The Sisters Of Mercy and Fields Of The Nephilim have taken various things from The Birthday Party .
5 The tax cuts for the top income earners , the increase in share prices over the decade , and the effects of the recession have sharpened economic differentials in the Thatcher period .
6 Not so — students from the university have won major international titles for formation dancing for decades and can include the sport in their degree studies Interested ?
7 In the Eastern Cordillera , however , compressional stresses apparently generated by the growth of the volcanic arc to the west have caused crustal shortening , and uplift here is attributable to folding , thrusting and crustal thickening .
8 Past attempts to control the weed have involved mechanical harvesters , weed-eating fish and chemical herbicides .
9 We may be pardoned for reproducing a part of the opinion of The American Annals of the Deaf of this quarter on the subject : " The retention of the word " Dumb " — which in America has been dropped from the titles of the Convention of Instructors , The National Association , and several State Associations of the Deaf , and many schools , as well as from the United States Census — is probably due to a vote to that effect by the conference held in London last January ; but as our British friends who constitute the Association seem to favour American precedents , we trust that on further consideration they will follow our example in this respect alone , and omit the objectionable word from their title " .
10 Since then the mutawa have infuriated westernised Saudis , who prize their freedom to drink whisky in private , by busting into people 's houses .
11 In fact , even aside from the Act the tort and the crime have cut loose from whatever common origin they had .
12 Ideally , the authors might before beginning the study have gained informed consent from the personnel departments of all the hospitals likely to be approached .
13 It has been suggested that the contracts for the earlier boats in the programme have entailed penal cancellation charges .
14 PUB landlords in the North-East have criticised proposed changes to the licensing system .
15 The USGA have made clear their intention to crack down on slow play at Baltusrol and Langer believes he is not one of the worst offenders .
16 Finally , the orientation of the coast with respect to dominant waves , the degree of indentation of the coast and the nature of the shore profile away from the coast seem to play important parts in coastal erosion .
17 The evidence just presented seems to suggest that the use of a food-reinforced procedure makes context-specificity more likely , and certainly other successful demonstrations of the effect have used appetitive conditioning ( e.g. Honey , Willis , and Hall ( 1990 ) , who studied autoshaping in pigeons ; Peck and Bouton ( 1990 ) , experiment 2 , who measured the ‘ head jerk ’ CR of rats trained with a food reinforcer ) .
18 It is not adequately understood how molecular clouds in both the disk and the bulge manage to sustain internal motions in excess of the sound speed ( ) , but we suspect that strong magnetic fields within the clouds ensure that the Alfvén speed is at least comparable to v .
19 Any exports to the mainland have to bear high transport costs .
20 And then our own facilities , as Carlos has already mentioned , have been used for conferences of Third World First and other development groups occasionally have met in the Institute , and of course erm our own staff and students , and indeed sometimes Third Worlders spending a period at the Institute have given local talks and participated in local meetings .
21 When the band have achieved considerable chart success ( when they have sold approximately a million copies of their albums ) , they should consider whether a royalty examination should be done .
22 Their last album , ‘ Churchtown ’ was their first on a major label and the band have spent recent weeks in West Cork , writing and demoing material for their third LP .
23 So the greens and the fibre have proved victorious after all !
24 In general , microorganisms present at the site have had sufficient opportunity to adapt to the contaminants and have degraded the waste to some extent .
25 Visitors to the town have left varying impressions .
26 For numerous studies have shown that a high percentage of the population have committed criminal offences , in particular high proportions of juveniles , and it is difficult to believe that they are all different or abnormal .
27 However , the nature of the social structures and processes which affect the drug-taking behaviour of the population continue to undergo great changes , and , in the final analysis , the possibility that the prevalence of heroin use in Wirral will peak but not fall can not be ruled out .
28 The once-numerous Western apologists for the GDR have fallen silent , or stridently demand reforms .
29 The need for rehearsal of a formal Intervention is to strengthen the group resolve to give real positive help to the sufferer despite all the protestations- convolutions and deceptions that will be tried on by his or her disease .
30 I think the correct shoes for the occasion have done bad things to my feet . ’
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