Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [coord] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He lay in the tent and listened to the wind outside .
2 Charlie marched into the tent and came to a halt in front of the colonel 's desk .
3 I dived back into the tent and scrambled into my sweater and shoes .
4 Emerging in the darkness , I vaulted the chain-link fence surrounding the park and ran through the high grass into the trees .
5 So he walked to the park and sat on the park bench and let his thoughts pass through his head .
6 I should have seized the opportunity and said to Una Stubbs , ‘ Here 's your next title , A Farewell to Arms . ’
7 Whitlock left the suite and knocked on the adjoining door .
8 He jumped , across the gully and looked under the car .
9 A faint smile crossed her face , but she remained silent until they had descended the stairway and stood at the entrance to the great hall .
10 It was bulky and rotund at the base and tapered into slender points at the top .
11 Cypriot coffee is made individually in small , long-handled pots which are wide at the base and tapered at the top .
12 Paul 's promise of variety was soon fulfilled as we turned off the ridge and headed into a forest of fir trees .
13 She sat on the hard hall-stool beside the telephone , safe in the semi-darkness and waited for Dorothea and her friend Florence Ames who was a nurse , someone who would recognise her condition instantly , who would be on hand should emergency treatment be required , who was trained and capable .
14 One was lying on his back on the stretcher and appeared to be badly wounded .
15 Mitchell trained as a journalist on The Scotsman and worked for the Scottish Tourist Board , Apex Publishing in Oman and British Gas Scotland before setting up Elliot Mitchell Communications , which later merged with Commpress .
16 The loan was made prior to Mr Johnson 's appointment to the board and remained at £14,000 throughout the year .
17 Lane led Booz Allen 's Information Systems Group , served on the board and sat on the firm 's Executive Committee .
18 He pulled something partly out of the sack and seemed to be peering at it .
19 the sack and sank into a trench .
20 She left the towpath and advanced towards him , brushing her way through tall grasses , where bees buzzed somnolently and grasshoppers whirred their summer sounds .
21 Then with a couple of brief nods at them both , he crossed the saloon and left through the other double doors .
22 Clarissa waved an arm round the Saloon and smiled at the Adjutant .
23 For months , she admitted later , she had faced the possibility of her son being badly injured against such a highly-rated opponent , but now Lennox was not only the winner but emerged with hardly a mark on his body .
24 The girl pulled herself from the mattress and stood with one hand on her hip , in an aggressive pose .
25 I hunted in the afternoon and feasted in the evening .
26 He borrowed a dromedary camel called Bert from Dudley zoo for the afternoon and watched with evident delight as the surprised children were taken for rides around the lawn .
27 Isabella and Mortimer could scarcely hope to survive long in power : neither had a claim to the throne but ruled in the name of Edward III ; their authority was thus precarious and , given that Edward was in the Plantagenet mould , destined to early extinction .
28 His thoughts , when they finally came , had been uttered in all their simplistic banality , in no particular order of logic or relevance , and in a curiously gentle voice punctuated by long pauses in which he had gazed thoughtfully at the throne and appeared to commune happily with some inner presence .
29 She took the money and ran from her obligations . ’
30 They then went through his pockets , took the money and escaped with £27 , leaving the boy shocked but otherwise unhurt .
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