Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [pers pn] had been " in BNC.

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1 The parents were outraged ; the managers had got the opportunity they had been waiting for .
2 Then finally , Paul Reichmann saw the opportunity he had been waiting for in London , a city he fondly recalled from the days when he studied there as a young man .
3 By the time Iran had attacked a Kuwaiti , a Saudi and then a Liberian tanker ( the last of these caught near the principal Saudi terminal at Ras Tanura ) , the GCC states had begun to recognize this sequence — as it was doubtless intended — as a signal to distance themselves from Iraq in the light of the support they had been providing for Baghdad .
4 They were proof that the support we had been convinced was out there really did exist .
5 Patients presenting with clinical evidence of gastrointestinal haemorrhage were endoscoped urgently , the source of bleeding identified , and appropriate treatment instituted including endoscopic sclerotherapy irrespective of which arm of the trial they had been randomised to .
6 He denied any guns had been involved in the raid although Mr Beaton had said earlier in the trial he had been told he would be shot if he tried anything stupid .
7 Penelope , however , it had to be acknowledged , had made no attempt to rise above the blow she had been dealt by finding a dazzling girl of her own age favoured over herself in her uncle 's will .
8 Then , impossible though this seemed given the blow it had been struck , the form started to haul itself to its feet .
9 The man gave a grunt , which was the permission we had been waiting for , and I ran all the way back to my flat to change and conduct the concert .
10 She thought guiltily of the money she had been spending on new clothes and of the new slippers she had ordered with the amethyst decoration .
11 Ella silenced her arguments in one fell swoop by producing the money she had been saving from her grant all the months Eva had been at university .
12 Now he would have to return the money he had been given to put names forward for the vacancies .
13 Mrs Denham refused his offer , and tucked the baby under one arm , and started to drag the blanket she had been sitting on after her into the house .
14 It was warm in the kitchen and the fire cast a soft light on Carrie who was kneeling in front of the fire , folding the blanket she had been airing .
15 Poor old Ken Brown , frustrated beyond his tolerance level , slid from the pedestal he had been erecting for himself following early and rebellious years , when , during the Murphy Cup at St. Pierre , his driver and a wooden tee box converged at not inconsiderable speed .
16 He was still wrapped in the cloak he had been wearing when , as a Priest of the Roman Catholic Church , he had gone into the front lines with his men , completely unarmed .
17 The apartment she had been in had been a single room — like his own , spartanly furnished — and she had had to share washing and night-soil facilities .
18 The worry he had been feeling about Janine was replaced by elation .
19 In the stampede to get out of the building she had been caught under the flow of people , pushed to the ground and trapped , with a broken ankle , under heaps of clothes and stands .
20 Quiss bellowed ; he turned the attendant upside down and plonked its head into the bucket it had been carrying .
21 Then she convinced him he was to say no more about leaving and get back to the story he had been working on when the row blew up .
22 It was the story of a lifetime , the story I had been born for .
23 In the West it had been left to researchers outside of the mainstream AI community .
24 It was for Signora Kettering and her English upbringing told her that it was unthinkable to open letters addressed to someone else ; and yet as she came down the stairs and met the driver she had been taken , as she felt sure she was meant to be taken , for Signora Kettering .
25 The last time Willie had had so many children at the cottage he had been sick .
26 At this stage it began to make a noise , or , rather , Twoflower started to hear the noise it had been making all along .
27 It happened , however , that while I was at the College I had been approached by the Bristol University Board of Extra-Mural Studies , where a post was for the moment vacant organizing adult education work chiefly in Wiltshire .
28 And then , you see , it halted where it did because there were some petals and fragments from the blackthorn I had been handling fallen into the spine there , shaken out of my sleeve or my hair when I closed the book .
29 Mordecai had said that he usually approached the shop through the bazaar , and that was the side they had been watching .
30 At the onset she had been referred to a surgeon and had a normal barium enema and chest x ray .
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