Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [pers pn] give her " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The police assumed that the money he gave her was his bonus for the Madrid Open and the Italian Championship . ’
2 From the look he gave her she thought that must n't happen often .
3 The look he gave her was angry and he stirred restlessly .
4 Let him pick the bones out of that , she thought with satisfaction , but the look he gave her was oddly enigmatic .
5 She saw the look he gave her .
6 The look he gave her made her feel extremely stupid — and disappointed .
7 The look he gave her decided her not to press him .
8 Nikos smiled and said something softly in Greek , and for some reason Lindsey found herself blushing at the sudden contact of Niall 's hand against her arm , but she could n't interpret the look he gave her as they were ushered towards one of the few empty tables overlooking the harbour .
9 She nibbled the toast he gave her unenthusiastically , but she had to admit it helped — her head was now using muffled drums .
10 If the bereaved is your mother-in-law you have the problem of trying to help someone with whose personality and reactions you may not be entirely familiar ; but you will have the advantage of being able to remain a little more detached from the throbbing centre of her pain and therefore freer to be objective in the help you give her , without in any way reducing the flow of sympathy and affection she will hope to receive from you .
11 He looked white and tired , and the smile he gave her in greeting was strained .
12 I 'm sorry , ’ he repeated , and the smile he gave her was so gentle that the angry words she had been going to utter died , locked somewhere in her throat .
13 The smile he gave her was familiar , full of charm , and yet she was now able to see it for what it was ; totally false and lacking in warmth .
14 And the kiss he gave her , deep and demanding , but infinitely tender and loving , told her without words exactly what the deal would be …
15 The address he gave her was of a private cinema in the old quarter .
16 That was n't the reason I gave her to David , but because she was a trained dancer and I thought she could help David get the simple steps of the minuet together , because he had difficulty in putting two steps together .
17 She dialled the number they gave her .
18 ‘ I like a woman who can keep to the time I give her , ’ Roman said as she came into their sitting-room .
19 And look at the reception he gave her .
20 After a while he gave her a sidelong glance under his enviable black lashes .
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