Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [adj] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This Act was important in that it eased restrictions in the field of public service transport , but critics felt that it would weaken the protection necessary for essentially unprofitable bus routes , mainly those in rural areas .
2 In the flickering cresset torch Damien 's face looked horrible : the eyes half-open , the mouth silent for ever now , blood caking his face from brow to chin .
3 Those who could not consider such a utilitarian plaything , even for a joke , will have to hand over nearly £2,000 more for the four-litre version , which will arrive in the spring complete with typically American equipment such as air conditioning , electric windows and central-locking — plus standstill to 60 mph in under nine seconds and an even larger thirst .
4 He was refused permission to shut the bar at 1am but keep the club open until 2am , and made an announcement to clubbers telling them of the police decision .
5 He thinks he can play spoof , but I usually come out of the pub legless with as much money as I went in with .
6 The Article 7 argument would have allowed Germany to continue with its opt-out provision for the benefit of employees , but the argument does not imply that countries , such as the UK , which in their national legislation make the transfer compulsory upon both employee and employer , are acting inconsistently with Community law .
7 On this basis , the proportion infecund among currently married women aged 20–24 years was 3.1 per cent .
8 His marriage had suffered , and his total exhaustion left the father-of-three unable to even cuddle his young children .
9 The floor was hard paving stone , the walls lime-washed , the room devoid of even a stick of furniture .
10 Others , either purposely or accidentally , found the war useful to further their careers .
11 Others , either purposely or accidentally , found the war useful to further their careers .
12 The Smiths appeared on The Tube complete with both Gannon and Rourke .
13 Some of the crew puffing after only half an hour or so , which is n't surprising as the only exercise they take in the normal run of things is putting their legs under a table and aiming their snouts at the trough .
14 Enthusiasm can spur one on to cram the border full of as many herbs as possible , but some of them are likely to die as a result , and others will be tall and weedy ; it is far better to plant with spaces between them to start with , allowing them room to grow to their full size so that their growth habit and leaf value can be made the most of in the context of the overall design .
15 T2 follows this trend but somehow fails to hit the mark due to poorly designed sequences that , while attractive , are tedious and unexciting .
16 And nor is it simply a question of numbers — among these studies are some of the subtlest , most ingenious and most penetrating essays written in our time , and the factor common to almost all , the naive or the clumsy as well as the brilliant , is the conviction explicit or implicit that Joyce is an outstanding , indeed for some the outstanding , modern writer .
17 The only way I can think of , or I think as far as anyone else can think of , deciding whether it has in fact been important in speciation , is to look for pairs of closely related species which differ in some striking morphological trait , but are still sufficiently similar genetically for you to be able to carry out a genetic analysis , i.e. to cross them , to get offspring , to get F two 's and it 's then possible , it 's obviously not — I 'm not going to explain the details of the technique to you now — but it 's possible to work out whether the difference is due largely , or in part , to some single large gene , or whether it 's on the whole due to quite a lot of small ones .
18 If we want to work at a high level of stress , however , anywhere near the potential strength of glass for instance , we must be prepared to keep the surface free from even the most microscopic cracks for , if even one crack is allowed to exceed the Griffith length , which may be only about a thousand Ångströms , catastrophic failure will occur .
19 Prior to adding the cell suspension , sweep the surface clean with either lens paper or a hard surface toilet paper , and adjust the liquid level so that it is slightly convex .
20 At 5.30 am on the Tuesday after the Sale , Gilbert Clark jnr. , went straight from night shift to St. Andrew 's & St. George 's , where he and his father , Gilbert snr. , of St. Columba's-by-the-castle , shifted several tons of waste paper for removal by the lorry due at 7.30am .
21 The upshot was that Bishop had a superb match as he sought to keep the game alive by constructively cautioning and chivvying the players to stay within the bounds of the permissible .
22 5.5.9 Mixed packages An offeror can choose to offer a combination of securities in order to make the offer attractive to as many target shareholders as possible .
23 It decided that only fundamental , structural changes to the organization and management of services would bring about the environment necessary for locally integrated community care to flourish .
24 Lucy gave it a moment , tugged the gown free from underneath , and then moved in silence to the doorway .
25 AYRTON SENNA did all he could to keep the championship open by yesterday winning the Spanish Grand Prix which , after a week of accusations and exclusions , was something of an anti-climax .
26 People surged forward and back ; the Man realized he was needed and turned to go out of Woil 's cage , probably thinking that if he left the door ajar for only a moment Woil was too placid and safe a bird to try to escape .
27 In addition to the disclaimers , carriers used other clauses that limited the amount recoverable to very low sums , and established unreasonably short periods for the presentation of a claim .
28 With a few exceptions along the coast ( such as Seaford in the 1770s ) it proved more or less impossible in Sussex where the land was largely enclosed already and the soil of much of the county ill-suited to highly profitable wheat farming ; so there was little of the trauma produced elsewhere by the restructuring of the rural landscape .
29 He held the audience spellbound for over two hours with his own work and his interpretation of the classics of Van the Man , Bob Dylan et al .
30 The sum available for further and higher education students — nearly £26 million this year — is a substantial extra amount and , if allocations are properly targeted by institutions , should be adequate for its purpose .
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