Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] there would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was a finding that the contractors were at fault with regard to the old shafts , but it is not clear that they should have realised that their conduct would affect the plaintiff 's land and even if this had been the case there would have been a serious issue at that times whether the defendant was liable for the negligence of his contractor .
2 To move forward to the present there would have been yet another shock for Green .
3 If she 'd fought the rape there 'd have been skin from her attacker under the fingernails .
4 This provides that : There follows a set of four rules specifying which law is to apply , depending on the nature of the equipment There would seem to be no gaps here .
5 Behind the hound there would have been a rectangular plate containing an iron rivet .
6 Profit commented : ‘ The desire to reach the summit , the anguish there would have been if we 'd come close but misses it , pushed us forward , despite our exhaustion .
7 Coun Jim Skinner ( Lab ) said if the companies went ahead with the boycott there would have to be changes made to the traffic slowing scheme .
8 If it had n't have been for the policeman there would have been untold carnage . ’
9 Mackie denied he had been told that and said that if he had been told the meeting was confidential from the start there would have been little point in him , as an analyst , being there .
10 In the past there would have been a major famine ; now they have simply called on their own 30-million-ton reserve of wheat .
11 If three giants had come through the door there would have been no choice but to retreat .
12 that would have fought with the Hexapol There would have , there would have been a reaction between
13 Surely somewhere in the world there would have been the right facies preserved to provide the immediate ancestors of Peregrinella or Iguanodon ?
14 In the film there would have been something terrible awaiting him .
15 The discipline there would put a stop to any more of that .
16 Such objects do not lie beyond our grasp , as the sceptic might suggest ; for we can hope that every member of the set of statements about what would be observed should be conclusively verified , and in such a case there would remain no further possibility that the material object statement should be false .
17 Which is I think is implied by his suggestion that a settlement there would intercept some of the housing demand .
18 As a result there would have been little or no evolutionary pressure on cats to develop an anti-stranger reaction where kittens are concerned .
19 For such a contention there would seem to be not a shred of evidence .
20 If we 'd had a child there would have been movement ; we 'd have watched him growing up , seen him change , worried about his schooling , and so on .
21 This is plausible enough , although Bo Gräslund has recently contended that a watercourse near Stockholm once bore the name too , and that a battle there would provide a better historical context for the Sigtuna coinage and Cnut 's claim to rule some of the Swedes .
22 A station there would have constituted one of the wonders of the world .
23 Even if it is likely that a Labour administration would have failed in the round to solve Britain 's fundamental problems , there is little doubt that at a minimum there would have been a substantial redistribution of income and some attempt to reform the City , regulate public utilities more strongly and determinedly tackle the homelessness problem .
24 As for Hearts , they play Rangers at Tynecastle on Wednesday and a win there would see Sandy Clark 's side elevated from ninth to joint third in the table in just two games , AND keep Rangers four points behind new league leaders Aberdeen .
25 For all their fine words , I 'd wager that not a damsel there would have changed places with me — who would willingly wed a pretty six-year-old !
26 If I was n't an animal-lover there would have been no problem , but when it comes to catching pigeons I draw the line at the fish-hook method on humanitarian grounds .
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