Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] go [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The money went into upgrading the two main production lines and creating a ‘ mission control ’ — an area resembling a ship 's bridge — from where the whole process is monitored by computer .
2 If they 're split , you ca n't have people from the field going into dealing with national account managers when my people are also dealing with them .
3 ABC contributed to keeping the issue going by reproducing the El Español article in its edition of 4 March — almost a month after the Alvarez shooting had happened .
4 In speeches delivered by him during a four-day visit to Catalonia in January , he called for unity and solidarity ; yet , at the same time , he himself kept the in-fighting going by distancing himself from Serrano while cultivating Arrese .
5 But the attempt to assure us that directors are controlled by their shareholders must fail , for no matter how far the law goes in strengthening the powers conferred upon shareholders to monitor the managers of their company the reality is that where each shareholder only holds a tiny proportion of the share capital of the company none of the shareholders will avail themselves of the powers given to them to monitor the management .
6 Troubled Premier John Major now faces huge protests from disgruntled workers if the cash goes towards creating jobs overseas .
7 Dry Vouvray is more common than sweet these days , but the best of the crop goes towards making wines like this one .
8 Erm , she established the objective , not autocratically , but democratically , erm , there were all sorts , the resources available , what we have , yes , that 's not a problem , but the , at the same time , the rest of the group went to establishing the objective , and there was a lot of over-talking by people , and I feel that she did n't control it and say , look this is what we 're going to do now .
9 All the resources of the place went into keeping up the God-Kings life-style , rather than improving the lives of the people .
10 Full credit for the success of the opening goes to Catering Manager , Laura Gilbert and her team , supported by Area Manager , Simon Tebbit .
11 Now all the effort goes into preparing for the next one … although the RAF 's team is calling it a day .
12 Two third of the meal gone without dropping any down .
13 Proceeds from the raffle went towards offsetting the high expenses of the event .
14 The system goes from getting too much of the neurotransmitter 's effects to not enough ; heaven turns to hell .
15 Er , seeing this here , does it mean that anybody that loses er , a vote in a sub-committee can then move it to the budget review to have a second go at winning it ?
16 More than half a dozen British Press awards as ‘ Sports Writer of the Year ’ , and four Sports Council tributes embracing both ‘ Best Sports Feature Writer ’ and ‘ Best Overall Sports Writer ’ have gone to McIlvanney , yet he glumly agrees with my own feeling that we still have a distance to go before achieving respectability .
17 A woman went by pushing a child in a buggy and they yelled at her , grabbing their crotches and grinding their hips .
18 THE developers of a new restaurant at the popular Falls of Shin , where more than 50,000 tourists a year go to watching salmon leaping over the rocks , are to be asked to amend their planning application .
19 Let's face it , a factory or studio or even a taxi firm that has fun in what they do is likely to communicate more , work more co-operatively and generally loosen up.There 's a hell of a way to go in changing our businessmen ( and women ) from the habits of macho corporatism but with fun as the name of the new game , the future looks rosy .
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