Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] they [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , the concept of a zone of peace continues to represent a potential significant area of shared interest between the ASEAN states and Vietnam and this ensures that it will remain on the agenda for both parties although the terminology they use and the objectives they pursue may differ .
2 Lydia was also faintly disgusted by tears , by the weakness they evinced and by the viscosity of their substance .
3 This points to the absence of reliable information ( beyond somewhat crude prevalence rates ) which indicate the circumstances in which the population of mentally handicapped people live and the support they receive and require .
4 Only by enabling those with disabilities to contribute , if they wish , through independent living and paid employment , will the increased percentage of ageing people be able to receive the support they expect and need .
5 They know better than anyone that all the badmouthing of men they could manage would not begin to balance the inequality they experience when it comes to the job market — fewer opportunities , low wages , nonexistent child-care facilities and a hopelessly uneven battle to survive if , for example , the father of their children jumps ship and fails to pay any maintenance .
6 In the afternoon they separated and the former again returned to Shields …
7 All through the afternoon they sat and drank and talked about the trip .
8 They take the money they go and buy videos , they buy records , they go and bu ba for fo football and all si
9 In every case the farmer reporting evidence said he was not against badgers in principle , but wanted either adequate compensation for the damage they did or someone to control them , because they had no natural predators .
10 The natural effort of hearers and readers alike is to attribute relevance and coherence to the text they encounter until they are forced not to .
11 Perhaps if the National Front had been excluded , the racism they stand for would have had to be faced up to , ‘ making it worse ’ for those very genteel people in charge of education .
12 So , not only does the particular hand of the set of individual amino acids dictate that of the helix they create but , more profoundly , a single hand is necessary for helices to form at all .
13 Annie watched her group 's progress with interest ; the literature they produced and the meetings they held had a certain sort of agente provocateuse element in them .
14 At first the belts slip round the flat pulleys — they 're meant to — but as soon as I squirt the gum they grab and the shafts pick up speed real fast , and the spokes on the pulleys blur and disappear .
15 He was unhappy about the story they gave and went to his car to make further checks on his radio while Special Constable Goodman stood outside .
16 Then there were the ‘ Rowdies ’ , boys of 15 and 16 , who were the most identifiable group by virtue of their appearance , the noise they made and their tendency to run around the most .
17 At one stage Dave Sprott the northern dentist had suggested they hire a black charabanc and people in Maple Drive , used now to his carefully preserved northern humour , had managed deliberately weak smiles of the kind they managed when Sprott backed them into a corner at someone 's Christmas party .
18 At supervisory/management level , the industry still lacks trained personnel ; it is important that the hotel and catering courses attract their fair share of the extra young people who will be gaining qualifications , that the programmes of study meet industry needs and that once these qualified people come into the industry they stay and are not lost in the first two or three years .
19 From a personal point of view I think that charity , charitable giving by er companies whether big or small should be erm should be erm on that basis I mean they should n't be looking for acknowledgement but unfortunately in the real world companies are looking to see what we can get back in terms of the investment they make and
20 Erm and it 's a bit like timekeeping I mean they they 've got their own system now for evaluating how good they are at time keeping and I think the erm the figure they try and hit is about ninety five percent is n't it of trains arriving on time .
21 So , Davos and Mrs Davos try to buy the car they like and Fat Frank tries to sell the one he likes .
22 For many people it is a matter of looking around for the car they want and then frantically trying to arrange the finance , whilst the ‘ offer ’ still holds .
23 They were having an intense and appropriately heated discussion on the problems of cold-spots ( as evinced by the fact that their first attempts came out looking like braille roundels ) , and on the unfortunate instability of three poppadoms balanced together — caused not so much by the jerk they received when the turntable started up as by their movements while they cooked and swelled — but eventually my flatmates settled on the concept of standing the things up individually on the glass turntable , and so instigated what they termed a ‘ brainstorming session ’ in an attempt to find a suitable support mechanism .
24 Denis Smith says it was an interesting game and his team played well … it was a hard game … but after four defeats it was just the result they wanted and will help build them up for the rest of the season
25 The Committee is sensitive to the concerns of local residents about the disruption they experience when major events take place at the stadium , and has undertaken to pursue all possible steps to maximise the use of public transport to take crowds to and from matches .
26 This very anxiety can unfortunately cause just the rift they dread because people around find it very hard to deal with the ‘ clinging behaviour ’ that often results from this worry about separation .
27 Well when we come when we co put on the boat they stop and drop me off up Malta .
28 The Ingards of this world live on the savings of elderly clerks and retired schoolmasters — and then get helped out by respectable banks because of the suffering they cause when they crash .
29 Whether they be railwaymen , groundsmen , caretakers , cooks or cleaners , Basil showed consideration for the appreciation of the work they performed and warmth for them as people .
30 ‘ The aim of the programme is to assist them to improve the quality of the work they do and raise efficiency by giving them the task of analysing their own and their colleagues ’ activities and producing improvements .
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