Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] have [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She would be well and truly mystified by the sight of an elderly king who needs to be helped into his chair one minute , but can swing his cane around like a golf stick the next , and even more flummoxed by the depiction of a world in which the porter has closed circuit television , but the method of killing has n't changed a jot .
2 In effect the Park has become part of the city 's road network .
3 Of the 41 Local Authority libraries that replied , 24 had automated or were considering automation ; the majority had implemented automation of accessions , cataloguing and circulation , but only 2 had introduced automated systems for ILL .
4 The need to extend one 's knowledge of primary health care and the need for knowledge of research results on the impact of community-based health care projects , was a sound motivating force for Family Development Nurses and the majority have taken part in various courses and research projects .
5 The remainder had acquired HBV by intravenous drug use , transfused blood products ( including one patient with haemophilia B previously reported ) , and presumed sexual contact .
6 The Ombudsman has instructed societies to make sure customers are kept fully informed about interest rates and , in particular , obsolete accounts .
7 Both the Housing Corporation and the NFHA have produced guidelines on how anti-racist policies are to be effected .
8 The Prince had loved children , had been very kind to them , and Sally-Anne had been delighted to see him gravely encourage two four-year-old boys , the twin sons of an old friend , to race pieces of bread , butter and jam up and down his expensively trousered leg .
9 The bid failed because the estate 's value was considered to be less than the ‘ knockdown price ’ of £10 million at which the Prince had persuaded Mr Kluge to offer it to the nation , with some assessments valuing the estate at between £2 and £7 million .
10 The public , of course , had only the word of the press to guide them , and although there was more than a germ of truth in what the tabloids reported , this was by no means the first autumn in which the Prince had spent weeks without his wife and children .
11 It had been that first visit to the police station , when the Prince had dangled money in front of the local chief .
12 The first was tackled in a way that was to set the pattern — a devastating technique that the Prince has used time and again : bringing people together who would not normally meet .
13 Although the main body of the hurricane had moved north , vicious squalls still tore at the mountainside , flaying the incessant downpour into giant whips of solid water that lashed across the meadow .
14 The mike had given way and was trailing between her feet .
15 Precisely when this occurred can seldom be determined on any estates , because there are few series of complete manorial records , but it is safe to say that by the early fifteenth century the change had taken place widely on both lay and ecclesiastical lands , the latter being better documented over different parts of the country .
16 Heads say the change has reduced truancy .
17 This is done when some identifiable change takes place , perhaps in the law or in social policy , and the researcher studies its effects by comparing the before-and-after situation or the situation in a group where the change has taken place with one where it has not .
18 What if a rule change , such as the introduction of a new settlement date , is formally communicated to members , but the traders on the floor do not " register " that the change has taken place and carry on trading on the basis of the old date ?
19 A further 29 initially went to the Drugs Council because of some external pressure : in 15 cases the GP had stipulated counselling as a complement to medication ; five had court cases pending and thought that attendance at the Drugs Council would mean a lesser sentence ; five were pressurised by family members to seek counselling ; and four were advised to attend by their probation officer or social worker .
20 The process will take about half an hour , will require two reels of tape and will be initiated by the Computer Services Department operator at 08.00 , whenever a transfer to the Working-Set has taken place on the previous night .
21 This might happen because the writer is tired , because he or she wants to get the writing over and done with ; but the fundamental reason seems to be that the writer has broken contact with the feeling that originally made him or her want to write the story or poem .
22 In ( 135 ) , although make would have been possible , the writer has chosen cause , and has thus felt it to be more appropriate to represent the subject of the verb ( " raising the temperature of a compound " ) as an external condition which sets off a reaction of decomposition in compounds rather than as an agent which exerts its causative action at the same time as the reaction occurs .
23 Not only does this represent a great deal of voluntary work , but it also shows how the writer has taken elements from Roald Dahl 's The enormous crocodile , remodelling the book to meet his own needs .
24 In the first extract ( I ) , the rich lexis and well-organised structure are indications that the writer has taken time in the construction , and possibly reconstruction after several rewritings , of the final product .
25 To these the writer has added drawings by the late Col Paul H. Downing of Staten Island , New York .
26 Over the last three years the board has contributed £581,275 towards improving such facilities at tourist attractions , in hotels and self-catering apartments .
27 It is , however , still the CEGB 's intention to reprocess early AGR fuel arisings in thermal oxide reprocessing plant ( THORP ) and the Board has reserved capacity in that plant .
28 ‘ I 'm thrilled that the board have shown faith in me by giving me the chance to work with them for another 12 months .
29 How come the board have allowed Cuntona to go for a sing and a prayer ?
30 The Cinema has limited wheelchair access , and people with disabilities should contact the House Manager in advance .
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