Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] and [pron] 've " in BNC.

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1 I 've come to terms with the blow and I 've a marriage to arrange .
2 Now this will definitely test your listening skills and , I know it 's getting late in the afternoon and you 've had a heavy meal , but you really do have to concentrate because the feedback you give him is now , or her rather , is now vitally important , okay , cos you have n't got a second bite of the cherry .
3 And the sewing course I mentioned earlier , we are getting the money and we 've discussed that already and it 's all set out .
4 60 detectives are working on the case and they 've eliminated from their enquiries a man arrested and held overnight .
5 ‘ Hello , operator , I 'm trying to get through to the Kosher butcher — it 's on the blink and I 've people coming for dinner Friday — Oh , thank you , dear .
6 said that people are losing all interest in the election and they 've got no faith in any of parties they all seemed to much alike and all fund ranges
7 you ought to see underneath the fridge , he does this in the kitchen and they 've all gone under the fridge , when you 're at the top shop or any other places where the will you have a look on the cards in the window , I 'm looking for a slide , you know , but a smaller one for him for the garden for the summer really , cos that 's just about had it that one ?
8 She said , and the jumper and I 've got the beads she said !
9 ‘ We 're all fine , there 's no damage to the building and we 've been able to continue broadcasting without interruption , ’ she assured him , her voice sharp as resentment rose , and she went on to inform him of the decision she had taken .
10 Right now , those hip hop beats have been taken to the max and they 've got to be real careful it does n't become like Muzak
11 ‘ He 's already told me the story and I 've read Claudia 's account . ’
12 Well I think that we have shown that we 're prepared to support Gorbachev in so far as er peace reform in the Soviet Union , but I think we 've got to look towards our own security in the West and we 've done very well with NATO , with the defensive block NATO over the last 40 years or so , and until we can have cast iron guarantees that Gorbachev is going to be secure and that he 's actually going to carry out his promises we 've got to keep our guard up .
13 I think to a certain extent that might be literally true , but the northern part of the county , you 've got linkages into the A sixty six have n't you , Scotch Corner and to the west and you 've also got linkages here into the Wharfe Valley and up through to Skipton again and further south you can link into the M sixty two ca n't you , as trans-pennine .
14 You 're the , you 're the driver and you 've got to get up for work in the morning and everything else .
15 We 're sat in there like lemons waiting for an announcement that allayed the fears for the future of the industry and we 've got absolutely nothing .
16 Right so Nick first , he represents biology and the future and you 've probably got all these things .
17 Yeah well thanks Jim , it 's been lovely meeting you and I , I 've enjoyed the evening erm and enjoyed , thanks for the tea and we 've been through
18 ‘ Unfortunately , we 've been caught up in the crossfire and we 've had people on to us saying they 'll never smoke Camel cigarettes again .
19 Ah , hands always go up when I 'm about to finish the programme and you 've been so
20 If you get stopped you lose possession and one big kick from the opposition and you 've lost position .
21 Put your hand out the window and you 've got frost I got .
22 pass mark , I 've done the work and I 've
23 Especially I mean you 're in the nearside And you 've got limiters fitted now have you all of you ?
24 But you see , Gianluigi 's cousin works in the museum and they 've got so much stuff there they literally do n't know what to do with it all , it just sits and rots in boxes in the cellar , no one ever sees it .
25 Erm , now what that means is , if you ca n't answer the question and you 've only got a few lines down then sort of trying t w blur it a little bit and make it waffly so that there 's something we can point to and say that you 've written something , right ?
26 I 've got a trainee manager at the moment and I 've been trying to he 's just making such a balls up it 's easier not to .
27 I said as how I 'd see you through the move and I 've already stayed on longer , just to help out , like . ’
28 And while I 'm doing that , the two bucks are pushing past me into the room and they 've got his shirt open and they 're really doing a number on him .
29 Gran did that , you know , as usual , and she made the cake and I 've iced it .
30 ‘ We all had German friends before the war and we 've all changed .
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