Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] and [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 My eyes were shut most of the time now as I blundered round the park and when I opened them a red mist swirled .
2 The fact that I had people to speak for me at the trial and that I was doing community work did n't appear to mean much to them .
3 It would nt hurt to say ‘ Yes I m sory to leave Leeds and the supporters behind … but the club needed the money and if I had to join another club it would be Blackburn ( and onto the usual bullshit ) ’ Fuck me even Cantona said something nice about us .
4 So she said I 'll do it on the computer and and I 'll let you know so we 're eighty pound behind well course we never sent one month at all !
5 She added , ‘ He 's very good to Margaret ’ , and I felt that simultaneously she had nodded towards the past while affirming the present and that I had fallen somewhere between the two : nothing but the body of a ghost , nebulous and deserted .
6 Then I lifted the foot and as I explored further I found a tender area in the superficial flexor .
7 They were spreading rumours that Mac and I knew the starter and that I had got away with a false start .
8 ‘ I 've locked up the cottage and when I come back in a couple of days I shall sell up my sister 's belongings .
9 The proof of the pudding is in the eating and while I found that McAfee VirusScan did n't quite live up to the advertisers ‘ claims , it was able to spot over 84 per cent of the infected files in my library .
10 In fact , working at that time of the day often helps to clear the mind and although I do n't intend to forget about Brisbane I certainly wo n't dwell on it . ’
11 We was I said look I can read a bloody clock as well you can , I said I wa walking behind you down the , you went in the canteen and when I went past it was one minute past quarter to !
12 I have taken understanding how if the County Council do n't have any view on the level of conversions in the future and as I think Mr said also this will extend to small sites and green field developments , how they assess the environmental impact of their figure or indeed anybody 's figure , because clearly the environmental impact of conversions is very different from the environmental impact of either recycled urban land or green field development .
13 I was sat on the couch and when I woke up , ten to three .
14 I know that on Sunday I was on , on the watch , this weekend , and there was so much ice on the river , our anchor boat which is all made of wood , that 's moored up alongside the dredger and when I went along and got , that was about twelve o'clock in the mid-day .
15 There were definite signs of something in the wind and when I saw who we were drawn with for the first rounds — Nick Price and Ray Floyd — both Nick and I were delighted .
16 Anyway he looked like that he had a red car and he was sitting in the car and he put them down like that and they were like that in the car and after I thought I should 've popped at her house see if she 's wearing that in the house I thought you git .
17 I see the sign saying Welcome to Inverness just as I remember where I left the car and where I left from this morning and just before I turn and stamp to the nearest desk and demand in my highest dudgeon to be taken to Edinburgh on a charted Lear if necessary or limoed immediately to the highest-starred hotel within a reasonable radius for a free overnight dinner , bed and breakfast and unlimited bar tab .
18 I almost floated to the car and as I settled in my seat Beamish put his face to the open window .
19 The others went in the car and when I arrived on the bike a little later they 'd been down the 51 steps to the house and found it like the Marie Celeste , everything open , radio playing but no-one around .
20 I went out to the powder-room and as I was going back into the restaurant somebody tapped me on the shoulder .
21 Deputed to get his own disguise , he went off fuming to a wig shop : ‘ And the lady started to go through all kinds of salesmanship to sell me the wig and if I wanted to swim , I did n't want to swim , and I 'm sitting there knowing that this meeting is going to start very soon and I can not — lady , let's get on with it , I do n't give a damn , just give me a wig . ’
22 And he added : ‘ We do n't want him at the club and if I have anything to do with it , he 's not coming back at all . ’
23 At a separate news conference , Sugar was in equally confident mood , telling reporters : ‘ We do n't want him at the club and if I have anything to do with it , he 's not coming back at all . ’
24 Mind you , once you get to the know the typewriter and that I mean you know what you 're doing and you 've done your R S A one .
25 It 's you making the decisions and doing the work and although I am not suggesting that you will catch twice as many pike , you will certainly catch some which a fast surface retrieve would have missed .
26 The social workers told me I would like the home and that I could stay on at my old school and still have the same friends .
27 I said , more 's the pity and that I had seen the term both in the Petit Larousse Moderne and the Figaro Littéraire .
28 So if we start pulling them about which is cos I said to her about the hall and if I do n't scrub it all off we 're gon na have to erm gon na have to do the hall and er I said we 've got to try to put it on because the walls are so ooh bitty you know what I mean ?
29 I hung in there another year shredding a few more files saying maybe it was time I went back to the law and when I got this offer …
30 I admit that I was not on the Committee and that I am on a steeply rising part of the learning curve , but I shall reach the asymptote fairly soon .
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