Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] be to some " in BNC.

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1 In the sociological theories the pathology was to some extent transferred from the make-up of individual criminals to their social settings , although there was still an individual manifestation of that pathology in their pro-criminal values .
2 The decision is to some extent arbitrary , but there are several relevant considerations .
3 During the heyday of the British Raj , the slaughter was to some extent controlled .
4 There is also a suspicion in some circles that the campaign is to some extent driven by a form of ‘ closet unionism ’ ; a motive the Belfast campaigners attribute freely to their Tory counterparts .
5 The position under the Act is to some extent speculative .
6 They looked along the Atlantic coast of North America for places in which to settle , and they might have been more successful in founding colonies if they had not at the same time been engaged in what they saw as a desperate struggle to save their religious and political liberties from Catholic Spain , although the Spanish would have said the war was to some extent intended to check the rather aggressive interpretation the English placed on the idea of the freedom of the seas .
7 While the procedure was to some extent artificial and led to conclusions that did not always stand up to later study , it did at least mean that the different forms of early Christian teaching could now be admitted for discussion , and the possibility of real conflict between opposing views recognised as a natural and proper element in the development .
8 During the short period of political troubles between the Old and Middle Kingdoms solar and Osirian ideas of the afterlife were to some extent merged and there occurred a democratisation in funerary beliefs .
9 Cullen is a Morse veteran , the cast is to some extent interchangeable , and the story is re-jigged so that instead of opening in Paris — as in the book — it began with the Fellows ' Winter Feast at St Mark 's College , with intrigue and skulduggery at high table .
10 The belief is to some degree affected by being told so by their authoritative pastors .
11 This mass discovery of the countryside was to some extent a car-borne movement , a consequence of a rapid rise in car ownership as prices fell with the application of mass production techniques to the manufacturing process .
12 While the government was to some extent successful in thereby isolating its opponents from their comrades in European Russia and elsewhere , the ‘ democratrization ’ of the political exile operation only served to disseminate the seeds and agents of revolutionary change in greater numbers and into the remotest corners of the empire .
13 Thus , instead of raiding the countryside under cover of defending it , or stealing money to pay for horses and their harnesses , the nobility entered the royal service in large numbers in both England and France so that , ironically , ‘ the budget of the State was to some extent a budget of noble assistance ’ ; used by kings on both sides of the Channel to pay the nobility , among others , for their services in war .
14 Nevertheless , these unresolved problems concerning the ratification of the treaty are to some extent diverting attention from the more positive medium-term outlook .
15 Dr Linebaugh has discovered that around 40 per cent of those hanged at Tyburn in the middle years of the eighteenth century had completed apprenticeships and a further 20 per cent had at least begun one ( see pp. 230 – 1 ) Even in London , the greatest centre of artisan manufacture , not all apprenticeships led to a skilled trade — the unfortunate climbing chimney boys for example — but it would seem reasonable to suggest that around half of the working men of the capital were to some degree skilled , in the sense of selling specialised labour .
16 The emphasis in the scheme is to some extent on the social sciences , as this reflects the interest of the Congress .
17 Of course the problem was to some extent economic , as we shall see .
18 The void left by the banning of the slave-trade was to some extent being filled by transports of ‘ indentured ’ labour , mainly from India and China , whose conditions were scarcely better .
19 Certainly his successors were lesser men than he and wielded less authority ; after 1540 , until at any rate the reign of Elizabeth , the office was to some extent what its holder made of it .
20 The unity of the discipline is to some extent an external facade , a matter of appearance ; from the inside , it may appear rather as a constellation of specialisms , more or less closely related .
21 If the source marker precedes the quoted words , the reader is to some extent prepared .
22 As Geertz recognises this is a potentially difficult task as the reader of a society is to some extent an intruder and capable of serious misreadings .
23 ‘ An out-party sometimes forgets that the power it exercises as an opposition is to some extent in the hands of journalists ’ ; the more supportive the press is of the opposition party , the more pressure it can bring on the party in power .
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