Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [pron] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Write in the box provided the response you would give to the statement , and see if you can decide what the differences are .
2 In fact , the individual migrants who participate in this urban migration manage to generate income which is more attractive to them than the income they would have earned by remaining in the rural areas .
3 Coleridge told Estlin that his heart ‘ yearned toward the ministry ’ , and he was soon able to convince himself that even his unorthodox beliefs might not be a major obstacle to his acceptance of the post , and the income it would guarantee .
4 In the daytime they would shoot erm with their apparatus , the short strips of film , in say the streets of the towns where they were , and then in the evening they would use the same apparatus adapted to project the films onto a screen .
5 The prosperity and development of the Park itself would suffer if the food and other factories relocated as they threatened to do .
6 I love rugby and if I had the opportunity I would pull on my boots and play tomorrow .
7 In the end I agreed to do this but I remember leaving the meeting literally , I am afraid , in tears and saying that although I would obey the majority I would resign from the Government afterwards as quietly as I could because I should have failed to uphold an almost lifelong conviction …
8 ‘ But if it was the wish of the majority I would have to accept that as a democratic decision . ’
9 Now it seemed to me that one thousand six hundred was initially as a result of survey work or shall we say investigation into the housing waiting list carried out by the York housing department , and I have to say that I have a certain respect for the York housing department , and they have a certain reasonable and good reputation within the region as a housing department , and so there seems to me that there is a gr a there is a potential to underestimate er the the affordable requirement that 's been put to you , another point erm I 'd just like perhaps to seek a little clarification from Mr Curtis , was was unfortunately I was looking something else up or my attention was diverted when he gave some figures for Ryedale and Selby , I think he said , and I 'll happily stand corrected on this , that if you take away the York requirement figure from his ten thousand four hundred for Greater York , then the remainder he would apportion to Selby and Ryedale , so that Selby got four thousand two hundred , sorry , so that Ryedale got four thousand two hundred and Selby got one thousand seven hundred , erm that does n't add up to ten thousand four hundred and I I I in total , and I I wondered where the rest was coming from , if I the point correctly .
10 The alternative approach of defining one or more new registers was rejected because of the complexity it would have added to an already complex set of algorithms .
11 Although the Bank of England does not deal directly in the parallel markets and does not provide ‘ last resort ’ lending facilities , it nevertheless closely monitors the various money market rates of interest and if necessary seeks to influence them , either by its dealings in the discount market or by ‘ indicating ’ the direction it would like to see interest rates move .
12 ‘ But for the hurricane we would have a third quarter profit of almost £22m and a return to profits in the nine months , ’ says Robertson .
13 Andreas Papandreou , leader of the socialists ( Pasok ) and former prime minister , is unlikely to win the support he would need — ruling out any course other than immediate elections .
14 The proposals to combat discrimination within the profession have not met with the support I would have hoped for .
15 The plaintiff might claim that during the period between the accident and the trial he would have been promoted and received earnings higher than his pre-accident earnings .
16 Applying a multiplier of eighteen to that figure , I arrive at a figure of fifty nine thousand , three hundred and forty nine pounds and sixty pence , which is the award I would make .
17 Even then no one dared cross him and he had yet to show the dark side of his soul and prove Merlin 's prophecy that he was ‘ The Mouldwarp who would drown his kingdom in a sea of blood ’ .
18 For the beginner I would recommend the A. rosaefolia .
19 The powder he would throw away but the information the poisoner had provided was invaluable .
20 In the afternoon they would make love , with the great windows open to the sky , and a hot , heavy summer rain falling , crushing the flowers and filling the air with the scent of roses …
21 In the afternoon they would don chamois gloves and make aimless ritual drives into the Green Belt , in-laws glumly ensconced in the back-seat , stopping at the side of an arterial road to circulate solemnly a vacuum flask .
22 In the afternoon I would propose that we meet briefly after lunch and receive any comments additional to papers that might go out beforehand .
23 and said that Christopher was on interview and er if he got through the first part to the second part he would in the afternoon he would give us a ph a ring , erm but he , by ten to two he had n't phoned so she assumed he was on his way back having
24 When Rowlandson returned in the afternoon he would find the shadows all dexterously transferred to the plate by means of the aquatint .
25 Tomorrow she would work , she would finish the shoes belonging to Emily Grenfell in the morning and then in the afternoon she would sole the heavy boots that Cleg the Coal so badly needed for his round .
26 He told the boy , she says , to go back to Wales and save up the money which would allow him to come to London with a certain degree of security .
27 Eleven Clay Cross councillors were surcharged for the money which would have been obtained had the Act been implemented and they were also disqualified from holding public office for a period .
28 One Opposition MP , whose constituency includes Cowley , is calling on Aerospace to invest in car-making the money it would have spent on paying back the Government .
29 ‘ I know that the National Health has n't got the money it would like but when it 's so important , I think it should be done .
30 He realised that despite the money he would miss this place , the friendly faces , even the work that blinded him .
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