Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [adv] show [that] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the points of law the case also shows that directors of companies in receivership may raise all sorts of legal questions to try and protect their interests .
2 The drawing below shows that bivalves and brachiopods really differ in fundamental symmetry , and the differences in the shell reflect even more profound ones in the internal , soft anatomy .
3 However , the figure also shows that if we fall asleep when the body temperature is about to begin to fall ( about 6 o'clock in the evening ) , there is the possibility of sleeping for about 12 hours .
4 The figure also shows that there were important differences in post-redundancy employment status among older workers based on age , or rather , on their proximity to state-pension age .
5 The figure also shows that three projects , P1 , P2 , and P3 , are processed simultaneously , each cutting across the authority lines of the functional departments .
6 The research also showed that attending the hearing , especially if a witness was brought along , also significantly improved the chances of success .
7 The research also showed that those with high scores , measured on the basis of grades achieved in Highers , were more likely to graduate than those with low scores .
8 The study also shows that grasslands with a high above-ground biomass lose their standing crop more rapidly than those with a lower biomass .
9 Moreover , the study also shows that TGF α has the capacity to act in an endocrine manner , being biologically effective at a site remote from the site of administration .
10 The study also showed that , while marketing skills are important , technological advantage can still be a key factor for innovative success and its value should not be underestimated .
11 ( The study also showed that the death rate from heart attacks was about 50% higher for smokers ; this may help to explain Pearl 's high death rates . )
12 SOLUTION The equation for this reaction is The equation above shows that , assuming 100% conversion , one mole of C6H6 produces one mole of C6H5Br Thus
13 The passage also shows that Freemantle sometimes misunderstood or disapproved of the social content in her friend 's verses .
14 However hard it is , however cosy you are in your chair , you must just say , ‘ I 'm going to stretch my legs ’ or ‘ I 'm going to walk down the passage just to show that I can do it ! . ’
15 The evidence before the judge also showed that that was the nature of the plaintiff 's business .
16 The by-election gains in Manchester in 1912 and in Ipswich on the eve of the war perhaps showed that this recovery was at hand .
17 The book-list also shows that I read Virginia Woolf , Aldous Huxley , Samuel Butler , Maxim Gorki , Henry James , Samuel Beckett , and so on .
18 According to the Economist , the record also showed that Robert Gray , a senior campaign aide , was staying in the same hotel at that time .
19 Dr Clarke 's painstaking scrutiny of the record now shows that Keynes was even more changeable than we thought .
20 He did not think many of them bright ( but the record afterwards shows that several were very bright ) .
21 The evidence clearly shows that this is not the case . ’
22 I think the evidence now shows that that is simply not true , so there was correctional work to do there .
23 Seeing Batty on the video just showed that he loved playing for Leeds and from what has been said it seems that he had never contemplated leaving the club .
24 There had been suggestions that Senna 's car may have lost downforce when running behind the Williams but the video clearly shows that he was n't close enough .
25 It is not enough for the Commission merely to show that the merger will create or strengthen such a market position if the maintenance or development of effective competition would not be likely to be impaired .
26 Latest figures revealed by the Government yesterday show that in 1990 and 1991 , for the first time ever , no child had died from measles , and last year no child died from whooping cough , again for the first time .
27 The will also showed that her father 's lifetime savings , which fortunately were still safely in the bank , had also been left to her .
28 The report also shows that the NHS is treating more patients than ever before and placing much more emphasis on quality of services .
29 The report also showed that 320 of the 499 who replied had visited the theatre more than four times in the last year .
30 The model also showed that taking advantage of the loophole in new anti-pollution regulations to store big bales , piled 19m ( 62ft ) from a stream is a obviously very risky business .
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