Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [adv] [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 But I accidentally hit Jason full on the jaw so hard that I knocked him over .
2 When she opened her mouth to yell , a hand caught her face , pinching into the angle of the jaw so hard that the cry died in her throat .
3 He held the look so long that Pascoe laughed .
4 One must stand in awe of the scientist so Promethean that a single obscenity is all that is needed to clarify and educate .
5 They 're not real ‘ boat ’ necks ( the kind so deep that the back of the neck is actually level with the back of the headstock and heel ) but they 're pretty deep all the same and they both feel just excellent .
6 The rain began just before dawn , striking the roof so hard that he woke , startled , from a fast sleep which had been hard won .
7 The noise was so loud and the light so bright that he sat still as a stone .
8 At two-twenty Minto 's party appeared , saying that the reason for their delay was that Liddiat , the handyman employed by Minto at The Kilns , had pumped up the tyres of the car so hard that it was impossible to drive at more than fifteen miles per hour .
9 She had quite literally thrown herself at him , she had bitten him in the neck so hard that he had bled , she had scratched his face and torn his clothes .
10 Yes er er made an important point , er the application is not in front of the Committee most important that will be says anything that would prejudge consideration of that application .
11 Is the community so anxious that its judges not behave as pragmatists that this " noble lie " will help him serve its true interests better in the long run ?
12 Such games can be played with the actor entirely unaware that they are doing so .
13 ‘ I 've been out of the picture so long that I just want people to know what I 'm about .
14 Now , now , ’ said Lee , nearly shouting and banging his head against the shed so hard that the whole thing shook .
15 The heat was intense and the humidity so heavy that the setting sun seemed crushed into the mountains like a piece of squashed orange modelling clay .
16 Barely registering Gwen 's horrified face , she turned and whirled out , crashing the back door against the wall so hard that the echoes seemed to follow her fleeing figure .
17 For example , a junior manager might find the organisation so large that he has relatively little influence .
18 This particular person had found the shock so great that she had not been able to acknowledge it at all except by taking this evading action .
19 Now the choice is so wide and the packaging so attractive that most children are delighted .
20 Why trim the grass so short that not even a goat could get its incisors into the chlorophyl ?
21 Almost every day there were downpours of rain and it often poured throughout the night , making the ground so slippery that the camels found it difficult to keep on their feet .
22 Is the paper so glossy that it is difficult to write on with a highlighting pen ?
23 the sky was high , the air so clear that he imagined he could see to the ends of the earth .
24 But she just spat in his face and went out , slamming the door so hard that a picture of herself fell off the wall .
25 With a stifled sob Perdita stumbled upstairs , slamming the door so hard that every ornament in the house shook .
26 Then she put the apple pie into the range oven and slammed the door so hard that coals fell into the grate .
27 In the US , farmers work the soil so hard that around five billion tonnes are blown or washed away annually and an area twice the size of California has been rendered unproductive .
28 Vince has has raised a point about er erm , informing er and consulting local people and to let local people know erm when the meetings are then local ca n't go , I 'm sure that if they really wanted people to come they 'd make it much more er , in erm with the advertising so clear that er people would be able to and also if they had it at the times when a their meeting at the times when it was mostly convenient to er , the general public .
29 Er then to er put er against the background as the District Council last last week were being told our budget will cost us er to er accidents and of course what this exercise would cost us , three hundred and fifty thousand is the amount very close that some of you just want to spend on the doing traffic calming over the next year year .
30 He found working for the Maharajah so enjoyable that he refused to accept one penny in payment for his 18 years ' service , although the Maharajah supplied all his material needs .
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