Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 I am delighted to have the opportunity to further the work of collaborative ministry in the Church .
2 Should the screening test result be confirmed the family are offered genetic counselling and the opportunity to further the diagnostic process , initially by molecular genetic mutation analysis and subsequently by muscle biopsy and dystrophin analysis .
3 The weakness of both the holistic and individualistic approaches is that they are both in their different ways incapable of explaining the origins of phenomena ; yet it is the origins which are of first importance in understanding human psychology and society .
4 The reduction to just the two land-cover categories , concerned with housing , loses only 3 per cent explanation when compared with the Shotgun model .
5 In particular , it is worth experimenting with the direction of both the roll and the stall turn to see if any improvement can be found .
6 However , one local authority should not receive double the amount of grant received by another only a few miles away for the provision of exactly the same level of service , which is the case at the moment .
7 The conference had nothing like the coverage of either the British Medical Association or Royal Institute of British Architects festivities , so its impact on the public at the time was negligible ; but it marked a significant turn in the Prince 's own farming methods , brought environmental concerns slowly into consumer consciousness and in the long term dealt a devastating blow to the agrochemical industry .
8 Their chairman would have the support of both the Secretary of State and the LEA in discouraging , and ultimately forbidding , discussion of the performance of an individual pupil or teacher at an annual parents ' meeting .
9 Walter Ruttmann 's film from the apogee of German Expressionist cinema uses the cinema in exactly the way a poet uses language to give a dynamic , reverberant and meaningful portrait of one of the world 's great cities and its people .
10 It should be deep enough for the fish to bury the shell with only the opening showing .
11 There is a £50,000 bonus available to the winner of both the Irish Champion and Cheltenham 's premier hurdle .
12 The winner of both The Open and American Open titles was back in business .
13 This was as an International Securities Self-Regulating Organisation ( ISSRO ) , and took the AIBD outside both the RIE and FSA-authorisation requirements .
14 They witness to a process of realisation of the confusion , frustration , failure and partiality at the heart of even the best of human experience , let alone the worst , which makes them essentially accessible to all ; but they also witness to an awakening understanding of the fact that these are the very means of the experience of transformation .
15 Even in the heart of supposedly the most advanced power , Britain , the issue of Irish national liberation re-emerged in the Easter Rising of 1916 ; for the British , this was as shocking in act of disloyalty in the midst of war as was the Bolshevik revolution for the Russian establishment .
16 There might appear to be very little to navigate by , from the quarter-point to past the three-quarter point , but that is n't true .
17 In the case of both the ERM and the Single Currency , the weak country is at the mercy of the strong one and is forced to run policies which may well be diametrically against its own interests .
18 The combined effect of these provisions is to give a power of summary arrest in the case of all the more serious offences and many of the most commonly committed offences , e.g. murder , manslaughter , the major offences against the person , offences under the Criminal Damage Act and almost all the Theft Act offences .
19 As the volunteer was moved by what he was reading , he delivered the text with exactly the right pacing and intonations , and the audience responded with ‘ shocked , attentive silence ’ ( p. 28 ) .
20 When the contract award was announced , David Capitanchik of NorthSound Radio interviewed WGEC chairman Bill Carr , who outlined the significance of the contract for both the company and our employees .
21 One advantage of the correction of twice the number of degrees off track , is that it produces the two equal sides of an isosceles triangle .
22 Unless the seller commits a breach of condition or commits a breach of warranty which is so serious as to deprive the buyer of substantially the whole benefit of the contract , the buyer has no right to reject the goods or recover the price ( see paragraph 7–04 above ) .
23 The buyer 's right to treat the contract as repudiated arises in the same circumstances as his right to reject the goods , i. e. if the seller commits a breach of condition or a breach of warranty which deprives the buyer of substantially the whole benefit of the contract ( see paragraph 7–04 , above ) .
24 Thus if the seller is in breach of one of them , the buyer will not be entitled to reject the goods unless the seller 's breach is such as to deprive the buyer of substantially the whole benefit of the contract , Cehave v. Bremer ; paragraph 7–04 above .
25 These figures , emanating from the Council of Mortgage Lenders , are challenged by Janet Ford who claims that they underestimate the number of people in arrears because they rely upon cross-sectional data , drawn from the experience of only the largest mortgage lenders .
26 This family is characterised by the disk being ill-defined or constricted with the arms appearing to continue to the centre of the disk in some genera ; the disk may be covered with skin or a dense coating of granules ; the long and narrow radial shields ; the reduced papillae on the jaw with only the apical papillae well developed and the oral papillae small , like enlarged granules ; the genital slits situated vertically on the sides of the disk ; the arms long and covered with skin or granules .
27 Even so , in 979 a body was moved from Wareham to the nunnery at Shaftesbury , and in 1001 transferred again from the churchyard to inside the abbey .
28 They would be competing with each other in the canopy for exactly the same sunlight , but they would all have ‘ paid ’ much smaller growing costs to get into the canopy .
29 The fourth point is the one that requires the greatest skill because it presupposes that you apply the hook at precisely the right time .
30 The evolution of Swedish collective bargaining into a system of economy-wide agreements was greatly dependent upon the presence on both the employer and employee sides of a small number of organisations ‘ each large enough to bring crucial influence to bear on the development of bargaining issues across the whole labour market ’ ( ILO , 1974 , p. 340 ) .
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