Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [verb] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 The porter staggered drunkenly to his feet .
2 The defence applies only to retailers and not to others in the distribution chain who can rely upon another defence of general application under s39 , namely , " due diligence " .
3 The win earns them the opportunity to go forward to the national championships at Hemel Hempstead in the south of England .
4 The master took the opportunity to complain further to the Board that on several occasions he had drawn the medical officer 's attention to an inmate , William Sabey , who was at times a danger to others and had attempted to stab the labour master .
5 Is it too much to expect that the Lord President , on one of his journeys away from the capital , will take the opportunity to apologise unreservedly to the people of this country for his gross error of judgment in imposing the poll tax ?
6 Many labour-only subcontractors have grasped the opportunity to expand initially to a labour and material sub-contractor and subsequently to a general contractor .
7 As this is ’ Youth and Parliament ’ day , led by the British Youth Council , would my right hon. Friend recognise the importance of investing in the young , overcoming unnecessary disadvantages such as handicap , and giving them the opportunity to contribute fully to a better future for the country ?
8 In addition to this , I think it is appropriate that we also take the opportunity to look ahead to the next three year phase , the developing work load of the adviser and the future development of FWAG in Lothian .
9 It was further recognised that project-related work in the library also brought benefits in terms of teacher/pupil interaction and support : you have the opportunity to get closer to them as well … to help them better because you can go round small groups and talk at length while others are getting on with something that you know they are interested in .
10 Although the majority submit willingly to this process , very few of them have any choice in the matter .
11 The fragmentation led inevitably to violence and misery .
12 Finally , I left hospital and joined a community near Banbury in Oxfordshire , most of which disbanded while the remainder came here to Glastonbury .
13 The CO leant across to the officer on his right , and then to the one on his left .
14 It 's a long walk to Meall Corranaich and just before the top , the ridge splits away to the west which causes some confusion in poor visibility .
15 The reason for the change points again to the essential dilemma trade unionism faced .
16 The shirt hung straight to her knees unimpeded much by feminine curves .
17 Sections 2 ! 5 of the UCTA apply only to " business liability " , which is defined by s 1(3) as " liability for breach of obligations or duties arising ( a ) from things done or to be done by a person in the course of a business ( whether his own or another 's ) ; and ( b ) from the occupation of premises used for business purposes of the occupier " .
18 Unimpressed , I went down to the edge of the fjord to find somewhere to camp .
19 But Lord Cottenham 's bill , to which this leading article referred , was not to have the easy passage through the legislative machine the writer looked forward to .
20 Second condition was , the willingness to redeem even to the point of sacrifice .
21 Then the willingness to redeem even to the point of sacrifice .
22 The award relates specifically to manufacturing and supply and Precision had to satisfy 18 criteria from purchasing , process control and inspection , including training and customer service .
23 A few weeks later the boy complained of a further assault ; the tailor was again convicted and once more fined £5 , but on this occasion the clerk to the Board applied successfully to the magistrates for the boy to be discharged from his indentures .
24 Unlike other countries , Britain does not allow the money to go straight to the local authorities to which it has been allocated .
25 The fund had acted as a conduit for the money from ivory trade associations in Japan for one year , but this was stopped by Mr Lapointe , Mr Bohlen said , because he wanted the money to go directly to the secretariat .
26 The haul is estimated to be worth thirty thousand pounds , but the money means little to her .
27 Much of the reorganisation has still to be decided in talks among the regiments .
28 The other area which is given detailed attention in the Protocol is that of responsibility for costs and expenses ; the text comes close to adopting the principles used in the Hague Convention , but practice is rather different .
29 After the Tower Report was published in February 1987 , and the PROF notes revealed that had passed by computer between the characters , the basement became home to a band of five-o'clock-shadowed Boy Scouts delighting in their own secrecy .
30 The dates of the ban have yet to be decided , but it is unlikely to prevent Roberts scheduled comeback in Britain on 25 March .
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