Example sentences of "[art] [adj] time [prep] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 Now is the right time for something even bigger to happen , and we 're looking to broaden the whole idea of workwear into a promotion of quality , utility clothing : the slogan at PIL is going to be Function as Fashion . ’
2 that it 's easy and it 's never quite the right time for everybody and this is er tremendously widespread .
3 I had been in the armed forces long enough to know that you waited a long time for everything and I saw no reason why a dental appointment should be any different ,
4 In a big house it often takes a long time for everyone to find ‘ Smee ’ .
5 It did take a long time for anything to happen .
6 You did it a long time before anybody else .
7 ‘ Well , there 's a first time for everything , as I m sure you remember , Mrs Cornforth …
8 THERE is a first time for everything : Aladdin was the first panto I 'd been to and the first Frank Bruno has performed in .
9 But you know the old saying , there 's always a first time for everything . ’
10 Presumably few people said ‘ No ’ to him , Well , Kelly reflected as she dialled the Templemans ' number angrily , there was a first time for everything .
11 Ruth was not going to admit that she had never actually made a phone-call herself , but there had to be a first time for everything , and since Connor was out , this would be the ideal opportunity .
12 He was being kind , she could tell , and not probing further , so she rewarded him with a rather watery smile , and said sententiously , ‘ There 's always a first time for everything . ’
13 They 'll be a first time for everything !
14 He had no spare time for anything else , and laments the fact that he had so very little time for his studies .
15 It had been a difficult time for everyone , but especially Diana , who was perhaps closest to her father of all the children .
16 ‘ This is a difficult time for everyone .
17 It has been a traumatic time for everyone at Burston during the past year or so and a great deal has been achieved over a very short time .
18 And er would you usually Was there a special time of anything that he would be told .
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