Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] [vb pp] be " in BNC.

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1 The total damage done is said to be millions and millions .
2 The total dose given is probably more important than the frequency of dosing .
3 The total time taken was judged by interviewees to be between 40 and 60 minutes at review .
4 But the total number registered is more than four million if existing BT shareholders are included and the sale organisers believe this is a good performance so far .
5 To see how the total information reported is related to the previous risk ratings given to stimuli the films were divided according to the categories in Table 7.1 with two separate factors relating to risk , junction risk and exemplar risk .
6 The amount of the layer destroyed was 4.3 times larger in 1991 than in 1981 , and the total area affected was 13 times larger and twice as deep .
7 The total charge enclosed is
8 The largest group affected is , as we have already noted , that consisting of the associatives discussed in Chapter 2 .
9 The political semi-literacy implied is shown by the fact that the coverage they get is considerably more than that afforded to ‘ real ’ politics which is focused on the party political broadcasts preserved , like flies in amber , from earlier serious political coverage on radio and television .
10 The classic example offered is that of the diffident schoolboy , who has learnt the dates of , say , the English kings the previous night but who is so alarmed by his hectoring schoolteacher that he becomes completely unsure that the answers that suggest themselves to him under questioning are in fact the right ones .
11 Nevertheless , the economic development achieved was sufficient to generate a degree of social change that alarmed the government .
12 The parsing algorithm used is unique to the ANLT ( Phillips , 1986 ) .
13 The parsing algorithm provided is based on chart-parsing techniques .
14 The usual procedure adopted is to terminate with a fixed resistance in place of or .
15 The usual example given is that of Laurence Sterne who , in his extravaganza , Tristram Shandy , first published in 1760–7 , stated that
16 Whether she had died or lapsed into silence as the millennial dream faded is not known .
17 If the fish gets worse , then action appropriate to the causative agent suspected is appropriate , be it fungus , bacteria , fluke , protozoan , crustacean etc .
18 Closer to such history in terms of the narrative skill required is hagiography .
19 In Barthes 's analysis of ‘ striptease ’ for example , the cultural context invoked is that of France .
20 In the National Health Service , for example , all the public money involved is included in the Appropriation Accounts .
21 Nevertheless , the unmistakable impression created is that the police violence was justified : they were ‘ tired of being pushed and pelted with house bricks ’ for 2 hours .
22 I think that the sort of environmental problem to which the hon. Gentleman referred is so great that it is probably best dealt with by multilateral institutions .
23 On the other hand if is negative the quadratic form obtained is
24 ( The linear order chosen is of little consequence , provided it is expressible in the language .
25 The clear message sent is that voters have lost faith in existing governing parties that enjoyed riding the long boom of the 1980s , but have no policies for a post-Berlin Wall Europe .
26 Where there are dramatic differences of incidence for different groups , where the social pattern investigated is simplex ( for example , class difference only ) , and where the differences virtually always tend in the same direction , it is often unnecessary to test for significance , because the patterns revealed are so clear that no one could believe they are the results of pure chance .
27 In England the funded debt selected were the annuities stemming from a lottery loan of 1710 .
28 Almost the entire Street cast were at Granada 's studio to film the tribute which is to be screened later this year .
29 The typical measure provided is the comparison of what the organizations said they would spend ( articulated in their budget ) with what they actually spent .
30 The principal isotope released was iodine-131 .
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