Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 To establish the total proportion who would break the law , we must add to this a factor which reminds us how many rich people were in the sample ( 767/1326 , or 0.578 ) times their increased propensity to break the law ( +0.144 ) .
2 And that 's made up of thirty percent and tha that 's the total revenue you can get on , sell all that card and that 's the total revenue you can get .
3 And that 's made up of thirty percent and tha that 's the total revenue you can get on , sell all that card and that 's the total revenue you can get .
4 If you 're doing the planner at the same time thirty percent and that 's the that 's the total amount you can get on a planner , but the target there is thirty two hundred .
5 The credit terms and cost differ from company to company so it is important to compare the total amount you will pay .
6 If King Ginger Nut turns it on it could be the total rout it should be .
7 There was to be an additional consultation with the two judges which would take place after the prisoner had served three years of his sentence , so that the Secretary of State could receive at that stage their advice on the total period which should be served to satisfy the requirements of retribution and deterrence .
8 The normal activity you 'll find in a primary classroom is groups of children all doing different things scattered round the room .
9 In the normal way I would not have followed him into the gunsmith 's , a place of such absolute masculinity , smelling of game and metal , ringing with men 's talk .
10 When it comes to drawing , however , most of us , parents and teachers alike , have little idea of the normal standard we would expect from children at any given age .
11 ‘ Not perhaps the normal taste you might expect from a crew member . ’
12 Switching to the Normal channel I would say that using the crunch option for rock solo work is a matter of taste .
13 On the surface everything was going quite smoothly , with her asking the questions and Luke answering politely , but underneath the polite façade she could sense other emotions bubbling furiously .
14 At the root of my disgust is not rampant misanthropy , despite the ample evidence which can be adduced for the evils of humankind .
15 Just as in the private sector primary education is ‘ preparatory ’ , getting children ready for their public schools , so in the maintained sector we may naturally see primary school in this light .
16 A passageway crossed left and right before her ; a little way along the right-hand corridor she could see a wide opening in the wall , and through it the first few steps of a wide staircase leading upwards .
17 The verb metaphor is further characterized by the fact that it has no direct link to its proper term , but acts on the noun of which it is the predicate ; in the case of the transitive verb it can also act on its direct and indirect objects .
18 The interim government which would replace the IJC was to be headed by Rabbani , and a number of portfolios were allocated to various groups , including the premiership to Hekmatyar and the Defence portfolio to Masud .
19 More generally , as linguistic stability consists in agreement on patterns of variation and on the social functions of the variants , linguistic change will appear as changes in agreement : as older patterns of agreement recede , so new patterns of agreement will emerge , and in the interim stage there may be some apparent randomness ( or lack of agreement , or conflicting patterns ) in the distribution of variants .
20 After the order has been made , two sealed copies of it must be sent to the interim receiver who must , in turn , send one copy to the debtor .
21 There is plenty of skilled labour available and given the short-term view nobody will train .
22 Yanto had hardly bothered to reduce speed as he had turned sharp left by Stone school into the narrow lane which would take them back to Berkeley .
23 He failed , however , to get the rapturous reception he may have expected from his chief apologist on the international scene .
24 About the time of the pericentric inversion we can be less certain , although it must have occurred after the ZNF cluster duplication event .
25 The lazy undergraduate who can not be persuaded to read Trevor-Roper 's magisterial life of Archbishop Laud might fruitfully be propelled in the direction of the 20-page retrospect reproduced here .
26 It was the nicest way I could have thought of put it .
27 YEOVIL TOWN captain Mark Shail was heartbroken last night over the rash moment which may cost him the chance of playing in the dream FA Cup tie against Arsenal .
28 Now there would be a certain logic in this incorporation , for , if we were to have a Bill of Rights enforced in Britain , then in a situation in which we have ratified the European Convention it would be difficult for us to bypass these rights and draw up a completely new set .
29 If that proves impossible the Commission prepares a report for the European Court which will usually hear oral argument from the parties before considering its judgment .
30 Employing one of those supremely disingenuous somersaults of logic that only long training in double-speak and the official brand of British arrogance can confer , Mr Howard told a Westminster audience of backbenchers that ‘ If the Commission were to take us to the European Court I can think of few things more calculated to bring the Commission into disrepute ’
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