Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun pl] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps this length of time is required for the long-chain polymers to stabilize after the succussion process ends .
2 Orange and either ginger or cinnamon are perhaps the nicest flavours to combine with rhubarb , and they work especially well as a compote .
3 In a special statement on Haiti the summit called on the European Communities to help with the strict enforcement of the OAS economic embargo imposed after the coup in September [ see p. 38430 ] until President Aristide was reinstated .
4 Many people there were expecting an Israeli attack on Jordan , the aims of which would be to force the Palestinians of the Occupied lands to remain in Jordan , and , in accordance with Israel 's notorious ‘ transfer plan ’ , accommodate the expected arrival in Israel of millions of immigrants from the Soviet Union .
5 the political obstacles to advance within the practices of the Labour Left and the labour movement itself ; … broadening the base of mass support , creating institutions and organisations which extend the socialist movement beyond the minority of organised labour ; … fighting for specific reforms in the organisation of capital that will create new positions of struggle and control for working people ( limitations of shareholders ’ and managements ' powers , workers ' representation etc. ) and fighting for reforms in non-commodity areas such as health , education , and welfare that introduce elements of popular administration and control ’ ( Cutler et al . ,
6 It sounds v the odd jobs to do with all the the smaller schools and and
7 However , he ruled out attempts to formulate foreign policy by majority voting which , as he pointed out , would have been disastrous in the Gulf and which were reinforced by the failed attempts to mediate in Yugoslavia .
8 The hunger crisis of 1795 – 6 and the later one of 1800 – 1 gave radicals the misery of the lower orders to play upon .
9 It 's only when you choose the eight fonts to use on a particular worksheet that the impressive range of fonts available becomes apparent
10 So if you were unemployed in Mississippi and you were black , you had trouble getting the fifty dollars to start with but that was all you 'd get , but if you went to New York you get five hundred dollars , so what would you do ?
11 These days it is not unreasonable to present variable analysis as a relatively coherent approach to social research , some would say the approach , which embraces not only the technical matters to do with data collection and analysis but also , importantly , a way of thinking about theoretical and empirical problems .
12 ‘ They are not clear on their objectives and are not given the technical tools to use on the field so that they can not play to their potential .
13 Kovalenko concluded that it was ‘ highly improbable that the five ASEAN countries , which lack adequate political , economic and military strength to force the imperialist powers to withdraw from Southeast Asia and thus make it possible for its people independently to determine their future , will be able to solve this question on their own ’ .
14 The other advantages inherent in the strategy were that ( i ) it enabled the allied forces to capitalise on their superior mobility and air power by minimizing the possibility of becoming bogged down in a static war ; ( ii ) it made the allies less vulnerable to attack by chemical weapons , as such weapons were most easily used from a static defensive position against an enemy engaged in a frontal assault ; ( iii ) it offered the possibility of cutting off all forces within Kuwait and southern Iraq — including the Republican Guard — thereby enabling the allies to destroy Iraq 's military capability in addition to liberating Kuwait ; and ( iv ) it meant that the allies would capture a swathe of Iraqi territory , a potentially useful lever in the event of the negotiation and implementation of ceasefire conditions .
15 We thoroughly enjoy Dogs Today and try to pass on all the right things to do to our present scallywag , Monty , but he 's not impressed .
16 As we were walking to the next hole I tried to think of the right things to say to him , so I said , ‘ Greg , do me a favour .
17 She 's not really quite sure why but she knew that was the way and it was , it was the right , was the right things to go for .
18 The one on the left promotes a genuine electrical recording success ; the one on the right attempts to capitalize on it , although recorded acoustically .
19 She might have been daft in some ways , but she knew what was in and what was out , did Mary M. She knew the right clubs to go to .
20 Provided you choose the right companies to work with and employ the right people to do it , you can get the right results .
21 I think we must make it a positive step forward that this council not only goes forwards to build but it goes forward to use that building and give the firemen of this county the right tools , or firewoman , the firemen and the firewoman of this county the right tools to work with .
22 Mr Hayden , after further thoughts about the matter , decided to tell the station master , Mr A. Jones , about the occurrence , seeking his advice as to the right measures to adopt in these strange circumstances .
23 However , there are some simple faults with gas boilers which you may be able to diagnose yourself and so assist the service engineer in selecting the right parts to bring with him .
24 To this day it is the Industrial and Provident Societies Act ; and none in 1852 would have denied the need to encourage the working classes to provide for themselves .
25 I am sure that the hon. and learned Gentleman knows the considerable steps that have been taken by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Defence and by the Minister of State for the Armed Forces to deal with the aftermath of that tragic incident .
26 His critics point out that the pardon has proved deeply unpopular and , to the extent that it is likely to encourage the armed forces to insist on a public vindication , could have the opposite effect .
27 Borja ordered the armed forces to intervene after violent clashes , including gunfire , between the security forces and the demonstrators .
28 The JNA ordered the Croatian police to withdraw from Kijevo .
29 This is to allow the nearer ones to write by In-filling — over the previously drawn further ones , or by the construction of silhouettes that restrict the construction of ones further from the drawn front facets .
30 Four former South African police officers were sought by the Namibian authorities to testify at the trial , but had refused to come forward , despite being offered immunity from prosecution .
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