Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun pl] [that] follow " in BNC.

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1 This chapter is therefore an invitation of sorts — an invitation to pause before plunging into the specific issues that follow and to consider some of the broader questions about the nature of education management .
2 There is no quick fix for security in Northern Ireland — and I know that the right hon. Gentleman does not think that there is — whether in dealing with last Friday 's incident or , sadly , the tit-for-tat murders that follow .
3 In the 12 hours that followed after it clambered effortlessly over the last five earth dykes , raised by terrified residents in as many days , the lava officially caused £1 million damage .
4 And he plays the menacing scenes that follow over-lightly , winking at his wife , giving his half smile and making quips .
5 We are extending that provision to the aggravated events that follow the taking away .
6 In the few years that followed , Eliot adopted various strategies to keep his poetry flowing .
7 If Eliot largely renounced his interest in childhood and in anthropology during the few years that followed , he gave up neither entirely .
8 In the few years that followed , it is unlikely that you would get back as much as you paid in .
9 Some 1,200 people died in the Hindu-Muslim riots that followed .
10 During the six years that followed his restoration , Louis put together again the coalition of ecclesiastical and secular support that had sustained him in the 820s .
11 In the three decades that followed the issue of a new constitution in 1890 , elected party members gradually increased their occupation of cabinet posts .
12 This three-dimensional model can also be used to analyse the undergraduate curriculum , and will provide the three broad frames of reference for the three chapters that follow , which examine first degree courses in terms of concepts of knowledge , the economy and society , and the development of student ability or potential .
13 The starting point for the three readings that follow is the increased numbers of children under 5 whose parents both work , and who are cared for outside the family ( whether in a day nursery or with a child minder ) for a major part of the day ( 25 per cent of children under 5 in the United Kingdom had working mothers in 1976 , although only a small proportion of these were working full-time ) .
14 In the three years that followed , he at last found personal happiness and intellectual fulfilment , and was swiftly transformed into the brilliantly eloquent young man the greater world was soon to know .
15 In the three years that followed , the Danzig Nazis became better at governing themselves and at developing strategies to exploit the increasing economic difficulties of the Free City .
16 It was far from easy to predict that the seamen would repeat the role which they had assumed in I887 as the prime movers in a wave of industrial unrest almost as notable in labour history as the period encompassing the Great London Dock Strike and the three years that followed .
17 Rourke bared his teeth , and in the tense moments that followed as they squared up to each other they heard the unmistakable sound of a cough , and turned to see Adam make an appearance in the doorway .
18 The author was also on the coast that day , but working the 9.20 am to Crewe to Holyhead and unaware of the unusual circumstances that followed .
19 ‘ If one single vessel enters the port of Famagusta in the fourteen nights that follow Epiphany , the siege will be lifted .
20 Okay , I expect everybody 's noticed seven and noticed the legal proceedings that followed that .
21 Holroyd gives a brisk account of the legal battles that followed .
22 This distinction is further elaborated by Beetham ( Chapter 10 ) , who discusses the important consequences that follow for the internal organization of bureaucratic hierarchies .
23 The secondary decisions that follow become , in fact , the primary decisions .
24 The Ras of Tigre , who had greatly facilitated Napier 's advance on Magdala , was suitably rewarded with firearms and cannon , with which during the troubled years that followed Theodore 's death he was able to overcome his rivals .
25 These include not only the creation of woman ( Pandora corresponding to Eve ) and the alleged evils that followed there from , but also the acquisition of ‘ forbidden knowledge ’ , which in the Greek case included the discovery of fire .
26 If one can find that the things described by particular words have some common characteristic one ought to limit the general words that follow them to things of that genus ( Lambourn v McLellan [ 1903 ] 2 Ch 268 ) .
27 Gradually , over the five years that followed , friendship turned to love .
28 Moulton was appointed to command the forces in the Downs , and was the most senior serving officer in the critical weeks that followed , which saw the execution of the king and the establishment of the Commonwealth .
29 He made himself the centre for information during the Red Raids that followed , brutal nights when civil liberties were swept aside .
30 True to his predictions , the population of Europe and North America did indeed grow dramatically in the 150 years that followed .
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