Example sentences of "[art] [noun] were [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In 455 the Goths were to be the prime movers in his elevation to imperial office .
2 The remainder were to be preserved or put to other uses , but delays in reaching decisions often meant that the buildings had been severely vandalised by the time they were available for conversion .
3 In the crowds were to be found most kinds of urban and industrial workers but hardly ever farm labourers ; in many cases they were shielded from the market by receiving part of their wages in kind , and in general the authority structure of the countryside was sufficient to deter them from rioting .
4 Even if the stocking were to be woven from the finest feasible tubing , it would be a cumbersome garment with its compressed-air bottles and controller .
5 The grouse were to be a special feature on the menu .
6 Members of the FPR were to be brought into a new transitional government ( although no date was specified ) , and according to Le Monde of Aug. 12 , a proposed accord also envisaged constitutional reforms and the creation of an independent body to ensure the respect of human rights .
7 It might benefit him the more if the money were to be withheld until he is older .
8 During that period , any criteria for selection ( whether religious or otherwise ) would have had to be agreed with the local education authority if the case were to be brought within section 6(3) ( b ) .
9 … it would be a degradation of that process if the courts were to be merely a reflecting mirror of what some other interpretation agency might say .
10 The gleaning laws by which the corners of the field were to be left to the gleaners was again a straightforward income transfer .
11 Separate day and night attendants for the lunatics were to be engaged as required , and the master was told that as far as possible fresh water should be provided for bathing each casual .
12 The thousands of tons of earth which were to be dug out of the meadow to make room for the foundations were to be piled up in nearby Merton playing field .
13 A recent example of the first category appeared in a contract for the construction of offshore oil exploration facilities in the North Seatechnical disputes about whether the work or the facilities complied with the contract were to be referred to an expert .
14 The houses were to be built at a pre-arranged cost and the architectural detail of each was to be carefully considered .
15 If the plans were to be implemented as they stand it would mean a significant deterioration in Maternity services .
16 When so that if the parameter were to be unity , the response would be identical to first-order Butterworth .
17 ‘ Better ’ results will ensue from a ‘ contest ’ between partisan advocates , than would follow if the decision were to be reached by an allegedly unbiased administrator completing a comprehensive survey .
18 The illustrations were to be typical representations of ecosystems that actually exist with inhabitants adapted to live there .
19 The projects were to be of real and lasting value , and able in the long run to pay for themselves .
20 The management of a firm by knowing the contribution from the next best opportunity could quickly determine the additional contribution if the constraint were to be relieved .
21 The proposals were to be put before the congregation and this was done at a Congregational Tea in the Town Hall on Thursday 5 May 1966 at 7.30 pm .
22 The examination not only confirmed the findings of the comparison stage of the FAOR study , but also highlighted the difficulties and expense that would be involved if the proposals were to be implemented at the level suggested ; at the same time it helped to dispel certain misconceptions about the needs of the users overall .
23 The proposals were to be put to a referendum after first being considered by the National Assembly .
24 Because the new base would not be ready for five years , the F-16s were to be based temporarily in other NATO countries after leaving Spain .
25 The reasons were to be found in the strong links between housing and Planning , and in the large populations required to justify certain special services and residential accommodation in education and the personal social services .
26 Most of what is now visible internally is important historically but would be covered or damaged if the building were to be reconstructed as a modern pastiche within an original veneer .
27 Imagine that the payment were to be in US dollars .
28 Its members were to be nominees of national governments : while all the states were to be represented , not more than two members could come from any one state .
29 If the SSC were to be cancelled , American particle physics would go through a crisis — but CERN would help it pull through .
30 Party cells in the armed forces , the Interior Ministry and the KGB were to be disbanded .
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