Example sentences of "[art] [noun] which does not " in BNC.

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1 I find it shameful that you try to promote the measure which does n't even begin to address the basic problem of housing .
2 Paradoxically the miriad-mind is the ‘ I ’ mind , the mind which does not simply observe , but enters into the essence of other substances or beings , be they people , animals , things or even the ghosts and spirits , angels and demons , which Reason itself has not yet driven out of the world we experience in waking and sleeping , in loving and in hating .
3 Similarly , bathrooms that can only be reached through a bedroom are not a good idea if you have guests in the bedroom which does not adjoin the bathroom .
4 That policy was reasonable in a buoyant market , but the directors now feel that even capitalisation should discontinue : ‘ Your company is one of the very few in the sector which does not capitalise any interest or other finance costs and has no off-balance sheet accounting of any kind . ’
5 This means that there is no sanction available to the parent which does not rely to some extent on either , the giving or withholding of some physical satisfaction , for example sweets , or the use of physical punishment .
6 On the individual level , a decision to adopt the Second Choice , would introduce the overriding need for two new elements in human development , ( a ) , personal self-control , and ( b ) , the requirement to develop a response to the emotions which does not damage , more than can be avoided , the happiness of others .
7 put that all over , I keep forgetting to take those herbal tablets , they seem to help with colds or whatever but I have n't got those upstairs at the moment which does n't help .
8 What is less well-known is that rather similar effects may happen with a blow on the forehead which does not penetrate .
9 Those on the outside form the trophoblast which does not give rise to any structures in the embryo proper but is involved in the implantation of the embryo in the uterus and the formation of the placenta .
10 They may cough and sweat ; much sweating throughout the night which does not relieve .
11 I think the pr if there has to be a primary purpose it is a actually to take out the traffic which does n't belong in Harrogate
12 And , as before , the result is an emphatic tone which is lacking in the example which does not involve reformulation .
13 His note on the beast of Chapter Seventeen of Revelation , the beast which does n't exist and still has to appear and is destined for perdition , is ‘ generalhuman ’ — the word he coined for Notes from Underground and incidentally never used again in his fiction .
14 And you 're always on the wrong side of the road which does n't help Well he did n't expect that .
15 Two decades earlier Louis XIV had put it more succinctly : " Nothing happens in the world which does not come under the cognizance of … a good ambassador " , while in the early eighteenth century a leading international lawyer wrote flatly of resident diplomats that " it is precisely for the purpose of getting information that they are maintained in the courts of friendly powers " .
16 There is hardly a public library in the country which does not have , under one heading or another , a ‘ local studies ’ section , and these are vital sources to the student of local history .
17 There is not a good cause in the land which does not seek the imprimatur of royal patronage , and the number of official engagements carried out by members of the family doubled during the eighties .
18 If the sweetest moment in life is a visit to the brothel which does n't come off , perhaps the sweetest moment in writing is the arrival of that idea for a book which never has to be written , which is never sullied with a definite shape , which never needs be exposed to a less loving gaze than that of its author .
19 Granted you may be advertising to a sector of the market which does not have a university degree or even two GCSEs , you still have to recognize that few of them are illiterate morons .
20 Like the Institute , it criticises the regime which does not give a taxpayer who has defaulted by one day any incentive to pay quickly .
21 that and so on , erm , erm , I , it would be nice in fact if the er Ipswich evening tabloid which gave us prominence to this rule er would give just a little space to er this latest development , erm but I would like to , not being excessively caracole I mean reading this document I do feel a slight er switch on your comments on er Pipers Vale , er which you note , there are no er nationally er or er common species which sounds as though you have designs on it , erm I , I wonder if this would be the place to ask you , you know , to make some sort of statement about Pipers Vale , you know that we are basically looking for a route which does not touch on Pipers Vale
22 This in fact repeats more generally what was stated with regard to environmental competence by Article 130R(4) of the EEC Treaty , inserted by the Single European Act , under which ‘ the Community shall take action relating to the environment to the extent to which the objectives … can be attained better at Community level than at the level of the individual Member States ’ , a provision which does not yet appear to have been the object of scrutiny by the European Court of Justice .
23 And then you they ask you a number of questions , often pretty stupid questions , they go away and write a bit which contains some errors , or they broadcast a bit which does n't seem quite right , and then you feel cross and you say ‘ I 'm never going to speak to that lot again . ’
24 What we have done , when they 've been cut off with erm electricity in particular , erm we liaise with D H S S for them to help their erm to get their their deductions made a at a level which does n't leave them erm you know too short of money .
25 Entering the third year of the Intifada , it is more than ever clear that time is of the essence : how to keep it going long enough at a level which does not yield to the temptations of ruinous , reciprocal escalation , but still disturbs the outside world enough to get them to bring the Israeli extremists to heel .
26 Forest products are gathered at a level which does not affect the harvest next year be it fruit , timber , grasses , wild honey or medicinal plants .
27 It is most certainly true that Kenyans must decide their own future , but in this case the Kenyan president has taken a decision which does not serve his people well .
28 Assuming a budget which does not allow for year-round spending , the next major consideration is how to divide it up .
29 It is followed by a sentence which does not continue the series of actions and which begins with what Quirk et al.
30 If , contrary to this sworn determination , the defence of justification is not proceeded with when the matter comes to trial , his conduct in recklessly signalling a defence which does not materialise can inflate the damages alarmingly .
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