Example sentences of "[art] [noun] from both [art] " in BNC.

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1 The accused steals the grouse from both the poacher and the landowner .
2 Yoshida 's proposal was intended to achieve the best outcome in the circumstances from both the American and Japanese viewpoints .
3 Reading around for background to Shakespeare is valuable , and you ca n't do better than begin with the Harley Granville Barker 's Prefaces to Shakespeare , which analyse the plays from both a scholarly and dramatic angle , without being ponderously academic .
4 In conclusion , the evidence from both the statistical correlation and the personal interview studies does not substantiate the state subsidy theory of strikes but it does not refute it either .
5 A terse statement late in the day from both the Bank of Edinburgh and the Heart of England stated simply that the directors of both had agreed not to proceed further with their merger discussions .
6 Indeed , if France were to hammer Wales at Parc des Princes and England win with plenty to spare at Lansdowne Road , then the representations from both the Principality and the Emerald Isle might be meagre indeed .
7 Water colours and prints in the 19th century show the church from both the South-east and North .
8 He is expected to use his address to the Diet ( parliament ) during his visit — the first by a Soviet head of state — to try to get a commitment from both the Japanese government and its businessmen to back a hoary old proposal : the formation of an economic group among the countries surrounding the Japan Sea , that is , the Soviet Union , the two Koreas and Japan .
9 Easily Accessible : There is lots of walking to be done as New Capernwray is only half an hour from both the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales and the immediate area has much unspoilt countryside to explore .
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