Example sentences of "[art] [noun] but [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The visitors might have replied almost immediately when Mark Stepney rounded the defence but put his shot wide .
2 Now does that have a er I , I know you lose the income but does it , does it penalize you at all ?
3 Today ex-manager Farrelly claims he is not bitter about the split but says he is annoyed about the things Sinead has said about that period .
4 Now , I 'd mentioned Benjamin to the Ralembergs but told them nothing about his near kinsman , the great cardinal .
5 He also includes all the posthumous items in his Etudes symphoniques , scattering them freely through the text but playing them with such improvisatory magic that all sense of interruption or slackened structure is virtually erased .
6 McGregor , who had been approached by a worried neighbour , admitted making use of the computer but claimed it was on legitimate police business .
7 He said members were upset about the decision but felt there was nothing else they could do .
8 Essentially , he expected art , even that of the Avant-garde , not merely to override the present but to ride it .
9 DEC says this did n't allow it sufficient time to evaluate the proposals but says it supports all such unified Unix efforts and promises to make its position clear this week .
10 ‘ At first Eadred tried to bluff , claiming Sir John was a local landowner , but then he confessed that Santerre was funding Abbot Bere 's construction of the crypt but told me if I wished to know more , I should ask either Sir John or the abbot .
11 For she knew he had put Hector into the kitchen but remained himself .
12 He really scents the difficulty but thinks it too hard for discussion and so conveniently pretends that he has not seen it .
13 After pressing for about twenty seconds you remove your hand and , as you do so , you remove the coin but take it upwards so it can not be seen , look at the forehead as if the coin is still there and start everyone counting .
14 Only " tough love " is helpful , loving the sufferer but allowing him or her to take the full consequences of all actions caused by the disease .
15 If we printed details of the case it would make her identity too plain to the authorities but suffice it to say that she was detained with some others for celebrating a ‘ banned person ’ — Nelson Mandela .
16 My friend was most unimpressed , he had seen the footprints but shrugged his shoulders and suggested that we move on .
17 I thought that was marvellous — not the titles but getting it all listed in five seconds on a screen .
18 There have been various forms of the play but Punch himself is always a violent , pugnacious but droll and high-spirited rascal , hunchbacked , hook-nosed , and gaily dressed , who with the help of his cudgel overcomes all his enemies in succession .
19 Officials gave no detail of the obstruction but said it was not a fishbone .
20 but but w er the verse nine , Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the dark .
21 One might be forgiven for saying that the purpose of all this power , conventional and nuclear , is deterrence : Soviet might is not to be used to strike the enemy but hold him back .
22 Euan Duff , defending , said Blythe , of Vane Terrace , Darlington , had no memory of the theft but accepted he must have done it .
23 And from each fragment the light darted , white and spurting , a light that broke the dark but did nothing to dispel it .
24 Not even a subdued Botham — applauded all the way to the crease but playing his first innings for five months — could rally the troops , fading after a bright start which yielded two boundaries , and eventually mis-timing to mid-off .
25 The portable screens are designed to fit round the witness box when needed to block the child 's view of the defendant but allow them to see magistrates and lawyers in the case .
26 Stirling 's R.A.F. confidant made arrangements for converting the aircraft but did nothing about telling any of his colleagues planning the operation .
27 His mother put her hands back on the wheel but threw them off with a scream .
28 After Mass and the chanting of the Divine Office , Athelstan thanked the priest but refused his kind offer of a meal and wandered back into Cheapside .
29 For such Catholic sixth forms or sixth form colleges , therefore , the challenge is not simply to be as good as the alternative but to exceed it in reputation and appeal .
30 Man may enslave the elements but remain himself a slave . ’
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