Example sentences of "[art] [noun] with [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The road continues through the park with views of the House and its landscaped lakes .
2 They also have documentary evidence of the polluted state of the creek , and of lorries leaving the tannery with loads of contaminated sludge for dumping .
3 Ecclestone controlled the marketing and the television and the contracts with promoters at the circuits .
4 In fact on the day they signed the contracts with Wonderland for the King 's Hall they had just gone to No 1 in the charts with their new album .
5 What , well , we had a very large sitting dining room where we put er our dining room furniture at one end and as , the sitting room furniture at the other , it was very large actually , a Nissan hut does n't look very big , but it is quite big and we had one large bedroom where we got all our furniture in there and then there was er a kitchen , and there was an Elsan lavatory in the garden which er you had to go outside for that , and er , we bought a full length galvanized bath like an ordinary bath upstairs and there was a boiler in the kitchen so we used to light the fire of the boiler , fill the boiler with water from the tap , we had a , oh we had all sorts of er innovations that made life easy as could be in the circumstances , we had er hose pipe from the kitchen sink into the bathroom , we managed to get about three baths a week , cos it , it was a terrible fag , but we did , and then you just emptied the bath out and out in the drain outside you know .
6 Klemperer recorded excerpts from the Suite with members of the Berlin Staatskapelle in 1931 ( available on Koch ‘ Legacy ’ 370532 ) , and comparison with the later performance ( presenting , surprisingly , only seven out of the eight movements ) reveals much greater polish in the Philharmonia 's playing .
7 But the link with Aranyos through her sister needed explaining .
8 And in Edinburgh the appearance of It at the still-functioning Paperback Shop renewed the link with Haynes for people like Lloyd , who could regard themselves as the Americans ' ambassadors in the north .
9 But a team of Oxford scientists put the link with aluminium in serious doubt in new research published today in the scientific journal Nature .
10 First , he makes a great deal of the struggle with Satan in which Jesus is involved both in the temptation in the wilderness into which the Spirit thrusts him ( Mark 1:12 ) immediately after his baptism ; and also in the healings and exorcisms which follow during the ministry .
11 The objectives of this disclosure requirement are to highlight instances where there are departures from specific rules in the Act and to provide the reader of the accounts with information on the position had the normal rules in the Act been applied .
12 — STOCKTON Schools swept the board with victories in all six boys and girls categories .
13 The company is offering the board with 32Mb of memory at $10,000 in sample quantities ; it 's out now .
14 Instead of boldly breaking the charm and paying every man 's debts out of his property , the legislature attempted to turn the flank of the evil — to extort justice by persecution , to arm the creditor with powers of vexation instead of powers of sale , to satisfy his vindictiveness instead of his bill delivered .
15 The economic structure of the countryside near the line-of-rail , linking the mines with ports via South Africa , was transformed to provide labour for the miners on temporary labour contracts in which the miner 's family would stay behind on the family farm .
16 A third group are the colonialists and the neo-colonialists with experience of colonial societies .
17 AIR VICE-MARSHAL Geoffrey Thomas , who has died aged 76 , served the RAF with distinction as a supply , equipment and movements specialist .
18 In Victoria mid-week , the President 's XV , with Graf kicking three of his four penalties , had moved into a 14–3 lead before two errors , a missed tackle mid-field and then a missed touch kick allowed Swansea to turn the tide with tries by wing Simon Davies and centre Scott Gibbs .
19 I gave up the idea of tea , but was able to make a washer in the afternoon with rubber from an abandoned tyre .
20 Thirty-three-year-old Matthew Kincaid , from Forthriver Road , north Belfast , was alleged to have demanded the money with menaces from the businessman , described as ‘ Witness A ’ , between February 7 and March 9 this year .
21 The Chief Ringwraith stays on the Barrow-downs for some while before Frodo sets out , ‘ and the Barrow-wights were roused , and all things of evil spirit , hostile to Elves and Men , were on the watch with malice in the Old Forest and on the Barrow-downs ’ ( UT , p. 348 ) .
22 The fear is that the current trend of mergers and joint ventures within the Community , far from promoting competition , may in fact stifle it , as has been the case with Bull in France , for example .
23 As Kahn-Freund ( 1974 ) has shown , although transplantation of labour relations rules relating to individual workers — such as legislative protection against unfair dismissal — is relatively straightforward , this is not the case with provisions of a collective nature .
24 Moreover , while restrictive licence conditions which might be justified under the present quota system might lose their justification if that system developed into a more integrated system for the management of fishery sources , the same would not be the case with restrictions on the registration of vessels .
25 This is even more the case with students of ‘ the urban ’ , where there is de facto endorsement of political economy through the breakdown of disciplinary boundaries .
26 Where the prosecutor relies on a continuing course of conduct , as will often be the case with offences under this section , a claim that the actor had failed to advert to the consequences that his conduct was having will lack plausibility .
27 These immigrant groups then tend to become part of the lower classes , unless there are so many that they form a separate sub-culture ( as is the case with Turks in West Germany ) .
28 Simultaneously , de Gaulle was pushing his ideas in a parallel series of bilateral meetings , arguing the case with Adenauer in February 1961 and then with the Italian premier in early April .
29 Private parties may not themselves originate requests , but a party 's lawyer may do so if the law of the state of origin so allows , as is the case with attorneys in several States of the U.S.A.
30 This is obviously the case with contracts for the sale of goods and other supply contracts , where there is an extensive body of statutory implied terms .
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