Example sentences of "[art] [noun] that [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 It appears from the accounts that quite a different reading is given to occasions of physical or verbal reprimand which fall within the acknowledged framework of official penalties .
2 Possibly no one will ever know just how much this particular gang made in ill gotten gains over their evil enterprise , but there was little doubt at the time of the trial that quite a fortune had been amassed and that most of the principals would be rich men when they came out of prison .
3 However , when language is used within a specific domain , it is often the case that only a subset of those senses is appropriate .
4 The catalogue recalls that in 1938 Brame and Lorenceau held an exhibition of Rousseau 's work which contributed to the revival of interest in that artist 's work , and goes on to express the hope that eventually a museum devoted to Barbizon painting may be set up .
5 A light sampling approach is employed with the result that only a few students , in each of a representative sample of schools , are required to complete tests .
6 When the fitness craze first took hold , both in Britain and in the United States , some people threw themselves into an orgy of aerobics , weight training or jogging with the result that quite a large number of them suffered injuries of one sort or another .
7 There is very considerable force in the submission that once a refusal to treatment is expressed and held to be valid and binding on the hospital , as I have found , then that consent or that refusal should continue to prevail and dictate the outcome of this case .
8 Do not underestimate the effect that even a small operation has on your body and your nervous system .
9 However , comparative studies of Wyrwoll & smyth ( 1985 ) , who suggested that the ‘ improved ’ performance may be partly a function of shape-influenced deficiencies in the sieving technique , led to the conclusion that only a marginal improvement in fitting over the log-normal curve was achieved .
10 The other motivation for European Union came from the newly-freed countries of Central Europe themselves , who favoured it in the knowledge that only a strong Community , closely knit in a European Union , would have the resources and united will to assist them towards eventual EC membership .
11 Decision : it was clear to the Court that a sentence of detention in a young offender institution could be justified under Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s.1(4A) ( b ) , on the ground that only a custodial sentence was adequate to protect the public from serious harm from him .
12 Why do the Government reject the argument that even a Home Office Bill is capable of improvement ?
13 On 22 January 1917 , President Wilson responded to the obduracy of the Allies with a passionate endorsement of the argument that only a peace without victory could lay the foundations for a world without war :
14 A number made the comment that only a small part of the training was of direct use on the family unit .
15 Severe criticism of these ideas did little to detract from the belief that even a sickly press was preferable to the Soviet and authoritarian theories outlined by Siebert et al .
16 If the process of learning to conquer the impulses to self-gratification seems too painful to be borne , the author reminds the sisters that ultimately a complaint will seem as misguided as that of a prisoner thrown a bag of money to buy his release who moans that the bag hit and bruised him .
17 The second factor that argues against the theory that only a low increase in inflation will result from devaluation is the attitude of the workforce , where wages account for 60% of unit costs .
18 Though she had been quite a successful model herself Arlene had never reached those giddy heights — the thought that now a pupil and protégé of hers might achieve it made her prickle with excitement .
19 Here again it is unrealistic to expect the law of any state to list modes of service which are not allowed ; the policy of the authors of the draft that only a positive prohibition should ‘ stand in the way of granting a request for service ’ gives inadequate weight to the interests of the state of destination .
20 It is in the heart of Manchester , but for many years industry and commerce have been moving away from the city centre , increasing the risk that only a lifeless core will be left .
21 The assumption that once a gall stone inducing risk factor is present it will persist may not always apply .
22 To this gloss on the idea that even a thief should have to screw his courage to the sticking-place , Johnson adds the argument that if all else he had written were lost , Shakespeare should have become immortal for the way in which he shows Macbeth ‘ distinguishing true from false fortitude in a line and a half ’ : In Johnson 's footsteps , these roads across Scotland 's shoulder become Shakespeare country .
23 But then this leads to the idea that perhaps a number of women do not enjoy being part of a couple and that a single woman in their midst acts like a demented lighthouse : enticing hapless travellers , by its safe and steady beam , on to the rocks below .
24 And as for ‘ Late Night Grande Hotel ’ , it 's deceptively simple in the way that only a certain guileful sort of Southern-trained musicians can be .
25 A further illustration of the principle that only a real loss of earnings is recoverable is provided by the decision of the House of Lords in Dews v National Coal Board [ 1988 ] AC 1 .
26 I accept the need to counter the myth that only a biological mother can adequately care for a child , but to say that in the interests of women 's liberation we will pay anyone except the child 's mother to look after it seems to be going a little far in the opposite direction !
27 Halpern ( 1986 ) derides their apparent conviction that ‘ it is frightening and perhaps even unAmerican to consider the possibility that even a small part of the sex differences in spatial abilities ( or any cognitive ability ) , may be attributed to biological factors ’ ( 1986 : 1014 ) .
28 There is also the problem that even a ‘ harmless ’ drug can be misused in a harmful way .
29 This is a model of the diffusion process that takes account of the observation that often a number of different interrelated technologies are being diffused simultaneously .
30 John Mackintosh then argued strongly , right up to his death , for a ‘ Yes ’ vote in the referendum on the grounds that only a Scottish Assembly , however imperfect , could sort out the anomalies with Westminster .
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