Example sentences of "[art] [noun] in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 52 , 72 , that the payment was made under compulsion and was recoverable under the principles of the judgments in Morgan v. Palmer .
2 There may well have been planning permission for the activities in question in those cases .
3 the House of Lords criticised the application of the defence in Nichols v. Marsland , and four of their lordships cast doubt on the finding of facts by the jury in that case .
4 This meant that the jury must have accepted the defence in relation to one charge but not in relation to the other .
5 It expresses the masculine initiative of Christ 's saving , self-giving love and the need for the response in love of the Church/bride .
6 The response in England to the agreement reached at Bruges was hostile .
7 Because of interaction , component values can not be determined by a simple ‘ rule of thumb ’ and it is necessary to equate the response in terms of impedances with that in terms of time constants .
8 In order to reflect accurately the pupil 's mathematical thinking , it is vital to assess the response in terms of the problem as the pupil perceives it .
9 Not all that long ago , either ; I can remember seeing a man sweeping the paths in the park in Gallanach with a broom like that , when I was older than either of you are now . ’
10 Prizewinners and their families , teachers , sponsors , CIT Section Chairman and many guests were given an inspirational address by Sir James Duncan , Chairman TDG , one of the sponsors , and a Past President of the Institute , at a celebratory lunch at the Inn on the Park in London in June .
11 Many of the protesters , together with much of the black press , attempted to publicise the jogger 's name and to vilify her character , claiming variously that she had never been attacked , that she had been raped by her white boyfriend , or that she had gone to the park in search of sexual adventure .
12 Oxfordshire piloted the forms in Banbury from October 1991 to March this year .
13 The judge at that hearing , Mr Justice Chadwick , said it was no answer for Mr Maxwell to say he signed the forms in reliance on the signature of his brother Kevin .
14 Accordingly , following the view of the majority in Ward v. Byham and of the whole court in Williams v. Williams and that of the Privy Council in Pao On v. Lau Yiu the present state of the law on this subject can be expressed in the following proposition :
15 Despite the majority in favour of merit , SCOTVEC 's implementation of it attracted critical comment .
16 The majority in favour of allowing sole practice on the traditional model to continue without restriction might have been expected to be larger given the preponderance of sole practitioner respondents to the consultation as a whole .
17 Table 11.1 shows that £24 billion of equity has been raised ( both new equity and to existing shareholders ) between 1985 — 1989 , the majority in privatisations with £16.6 billion , with the largest single method being offer for sale at £5.8 billion .
18 In Manders v. Williams , brewers supplied porter in casks to a publican on condition that he returned the empty casks ; held , they could maintain trover against a sheriff who took the casks in execution for the publican 's debts , for directly they were emptied the right to immediate possession was in the brewers , the publican becoming a mere bailee at will .
19 Understandably , despite such possible complexity , the purchaser will not be interested in the legal semantics of how the contracts are to be transferred but will be interested in two main practical concerns : firstly , in receiving the benefit of the contracts in return for performing the burden and secondly , in not paying for a contract if the purchaser can not benefit from it .
20 Numbers may , of course , bring increased power and in the Crofter case Viscount Maugham said that he had never felt any difficulty in seeing ‘ the great difference between the acts of one person and the acts in combination of two or of a multitude , ’ but , as Viscount Simon L.C. remarked in the same case :
21 The Acts of Parliament , although applying to Scotland , use the English spelling , as do the various forms laid down in the Acts in connection with the representation at Westminster .
22 A different , and in some respects more constructive , approach adopted by some international lawyers ( especially Cassese , 1979 ) points to the weakness in terms of effective enforcement of a prohibition of weapons based only on the argument that they can not be used without violation of the general principles of the humanitarian law of war .
23 The weakness in understanding of geomorphic processes ( and hence also a weakness in the understanding of the origin of landforms ) has not been confined to the American continent .
24 This will be shown on your Holiday Details Form and Final Invoice , and you pay the remainder in resort in local currency ( the £25 will be deducted at the exchange rates applicable at the time of payment in resort ) .
25 President Corazon Aquino of the Philippines was pressing for a seven-year treaty with an annual US$825 million in compensation ( comprising $400 million in cash grants and the remainder in concessions including debt reductions and trade concessions ) .
26 The Declaration of Puntarenas contained joint commitments to ( i ) strengthen the mandate given to the Central American Security Commission in Antigua , Guatemala [ see p. 37526 ] , on arms limitation and troop numbers while recognising the " specific tasks " of armed forces in supporting the civilian authorities for the implementation of " social and environmental protection programmes " ; ( ii ) to establish a five-member committee of eminent Central American civilians appointed by " national reconciliation commissions " to verify the political commitments made as part of the Esquipulas II or " Arias " peace process [ see pp. 35440-42 ] , and to seek multilateral and bilateral support to establish an Association for Democracy and Development in Central America to promote regional peace , democracy and economic development ; ( iii ) to build on the progress made under the Economic Action Plan for Central America ( PAECA ) [ see p. 37526 ] , extended by the UN General Assembly for three more years , in order to realize a Central American common market ; ( iv ) to begin talks on a comprehensive Central American customs and tariffs policy by March 31 and to have a regional " anti-dumping code " in place by Dec. 31 , 1991 , and an effective and uniform custom and tariffs system by Dec. 31 , 1992 ; and ( v ) to persuade multilateral lending agencies to promote increased regional development and integration programmes , to write off significant portions of debt and reschedule the remainder in line with the " economic realities " of the region 's countries and to simplify mechanisms for the negotiation of and disbursement of future loans .
27 In the first Athena stands frontal on the right , her left arm and the shield in profile at her side making a vertical parallel to the fluted skirt-folds broken by the right knee .
28 You may find that you spend a little more on food , but savings are made because of the reduction in expenditure on alcohol and perhaps cigarettes .
29 Table 4.5 , based on the output of 60 speakers , shows that the reduction in range for this vowel throughout the city is clear and consistent ( statistically , the pattern is very highly significant ) .
30 Many agricultural livestock practices are currently experiencing a downturn in their level of economic activity for a variety of reasons , ie the reduction in Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food commissioned cattle testing duties , the short term effects of the EEC dairy quotas , and the improved animal husbandry skills of many farmers and herdsmen as a result of better farm education today .
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