Example sentences of "[art] [noun] and [vb base] you " in BNC.

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1 Above all , show them that you care and will give them all the support and help you can — even if they are in trouble with the law
2 You have a benefactor in your midst who will give you all the support and succour you need emotionally .
3 What I can do now is treat the damage and give you something to soothe the burning .
4 Membership of a professional organisation and a relevant forum or interest group will help to keep you informed of developments in the field and give you access to study days .
5 These programs are part of the operating system — the set of commands which come with the computer and allow you to communicate with it .
6 From the description and sketch you drew I 'm sure you 've seen Link Stakes .
7 The drama school training will only lay the foundations and prepare you for the profession you are joining .
8 ‘ I 'm feeling like an ancient monument but I think there is a lot left , ’ said the 48-year-old pop veteran who had a string of hits in the Seventies including Leader Of The Gang and Do You Wan na Touch .
9 Then run the point of a thin knife around the edge of the moulds to loosen the cases and enable you to carefully turn out the chocolate shapes onto a cool , clean surface .
10 You may like to add the name of one or two referees to your c.v. , either to vouch for your general honesty and reliability or to confirm that you have the skills and experience you claim in the c.v .
11 " You were upset and it seemed simpler to see you both together , but I will now give you information about all the bequests and tell you what I have arranged about probate and death duties . "
12 So you buy the Watchtower in the hope that they 'll go away and no come back , knowing full well that they will and that when they do , you 'll hide in the loo and pretend you 're out .
13 Then shower — ‘ Acqua Fredda ’ , cold spray to tone and give elasticity to the skin and bring you down to earth .
14 Act the part and know you 're acting it — and that they do n't know .
15 I am already aware of some of your extremely worthwhile efforts and send my best regards to all those involved with the Association and wish you every success in the future .
16 We have teamed up with Phonogram records to fly you and a guest to the States and put you up in a swanky hotel for a week 's luxury holiday .
17 What we are going to do is find a diet that not only helps you to achieve effective weight loss , but is really healthy , suits your individual needs , and can be followed for years to come in order to maintain the weight and shape you want .
18 If not , I would like to apologise for the oversight and thank you on behalf of CPRW .
19 Over time it will also adjust the metabolism and help you burn fat easier .
20 Massaging the shoulders and psych you up yeah I know .
21 Er , it 's page sixty-one and it 's it 's title is : Scientific Research , the Whole Truth , er and if you like I will draw the points out of the study and leave you to comment where there questions and where there are n't any questions to interject any comments that you feel appropriate .
22 Erm well perhaps before I answer that question Mr Chairman , I could just briefly skim across the programme and bring you up to date as to where we are and then we 'll go directly on to that point .
23 Chairman , if , if I may and it is just basically to look at the recommendation and wonder you know perhaps if we 've got it the right way round er that 's all , where we 're saying er there are certain things still outstanding wh which we would need to re-relate before er issuing er general conformity notices I understand b but we 're almost taking that they 're going to do that without any doubt , now I do n't know maybe there are things not said in this report which are well understood , but and members of are quite happy to accept erm er s some more more changes to , to the local plan so that it does conform with with the structure plan , but I just wondered whether round the wrong way .
24 I thought I 'd walk down to the Club and see you and Antony there , Daddy , but there were so many people , I could hardly move .
25 Rather than have one large program that offers the sort of facilities we 've described for SideKick and Spotlight you can choose one , or more , of the range and build you own set .
26 Erm , Chair , delegates thank you for the welcome and thank you for the invitation to speak to you .
27 Let the wind do the work and pull you up on the board .
28 To sum up : do n't be afraid of repetition , but do use a degree of change , enough to suit the mood and effect you wish to create .
29 Inside , liberal use of first-class photographs , imaginative illustrations and visual pages enhance the articles and invite you to read them .
30 How you do this will depend upon your own personality and your relationship with her , but however it is done , the message she will be hoping to receive through your words and actions will be that you care , you sympathise , and that you are going to stand by her and give her all the help and comfort you can in the months that lie ahead .
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