Example sentences of "[art] [noun] that [vb past] his " in BNC.

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1 He moved at once , for he would not lie here on the floor before this ancient evil creature and , although it was awkward and painful to stand up because of the ropes that bound his arms , he did so in a swift fluid movement and stood eyeing the Robemaker .
2 ‘ Probyn had something to prove and he proved it — the guy is a world-class scrummager , ran around like a 21-year-old and scored the try that brought his side back into the match at 20–23 . ’
3 The wind tugged at the banner-pole that carried his standard , outside at the turret , and made a dolorous creaking sound that accompanied his steps along the chilly corridor , and whined faintly in his ears even after he had closed the door and shut out the sound of the rain .
4 The big fat greengrocer sat under the canopy that covered his produce .
5 Blagg tried for a head shot and missed , felt a punch in the chest that made his knees fold , but he fired again and saw the pistol fall loose .
6 Wilcox set off in a straight line , indifferent to the snow that covered his thin black shoes and clung to his trouser bottoms .
7 The following user describes the dilemma that faced his parents :
8 On the same day the New York Times carried the review that launched his career , the Times-Picayune of New Orleans had Seth calling himself an ‘ addict alcoholic ’ and ‘ a con man …
9 Rory went over to the seat that held his jacket .
10 He probably thought it was the gale that blasted his door open , but for the next hour he was busy dispensing more whisky than he would normally expect to sell in a week .
11 STEVE REDMOND today goes back to the club that broke his heart aiming to prove Manchester City were wrong to let him go .
12 Mr Jarrett said she saw the four defendants go for Mr Johnson , holding knives and stabbing at him uttering threat of drawing blood.It was a fatal single stab wound to the neck that caused his death .
13 She reached out and touched Dauntless 's arm , apparently unaware of the shudder that convulsed his flesh .
14 The issue that dominated his chairmanship was always simple : ‘ Do you want your tax dollars spent on pornography ? ’
15 Visiting the Head Office of one of the companies that used his services in response to an urgent summons was one of them .
16 Let him describe the scene that met his eyes in his own words :
17 Pliny the Younger 's account took the form of two letters to Tacitus , in which he described the fate that befell his uncle , and how he and his mother had fared .
18 For years before his death rumours had spread all over the Dales that put his rude good health and longevity to dealings with the Devil and pointed to his long canine teeth as evidence of vampirism .
19 The court heard that Mr White may have lost control of the motorbike because of his guilt over the accident that killed his friend .
20 singled out by the Decree of an Inscrutable Providence from the midst of the Distinguished Multitude that Surrounded him , in the full pride of his Talents and the Perfection of his Usefulness , met with the Accident that Occasioned his Death ; which deprived England of an Illustrious Statesman and Liverpool of its Most Honoured Representative ; which changed a moment of the Noblest Exultation and Triumph that Science and Genius had ever achieved into one of Desolation and Mourning , and striking Terror into the Hearts of Assembled Thousands brought home into every Bosom the Forgotten Truth that ‘ In the Midst of Life we are in Death ’ .
21 Nor the fierce pain in the shin that took his leg from under him and sent him sprawling to the ground .
22 Time was the theme that fired his heart as a young student and affected him for the rest of his life .
23 ‘ What do you want with my father 's burial-place ? ’ he said thickly through the gall that scalded his mouth .
24 He began to study this idea , and he was to think later ( ‘ When I could think sanely again , ’ he said ) that this was one of the things that saved his reason .
25 He was a very modest man , refusing to take any credit for the enterprise that bore his name .
26 By 1808 the unpopularity of Godoy had spread beyond these circles to embrace all classes and the revolution prophesied in 1798 was turning against the court that supported his power : a monarchy which could disgrace itself and by its foreign policy plunge Spain into inflation , dear bread , commercial depression , and the loss of the American market must be limited by a constitution .
27 Before his own grandad had died he was alleged to have remarked , ‘ By , that wind 's a killer , ’ seconds before it blew the crane that dropped the crate that smashed his head in .
28 ‘ Go to hell ! ’ she shouted , and did n't at all like the smile that crossed his features .
29 These performances directed by Kuijken have many of the qualities that made his set of the Haydn ‘ Paris ’ Symphonies , also on Virgin , so winning .
30 And from this close Ronni could see that the lashes that framed his eyes were as thick and sooty as a chimney-sweep 's brush .
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