Example sentences of "[art] [noun] that [modal v] do " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But when the choice is between high rates now or persistent higher inflation later , with all the damage that would do , the choice is clear .
2 Harry swallowed the soft strangulation of tears and clung with desperate hands to the obstinacy that must do duty for his flagging courage .
3 So far , we have discussed the taxes that would do least harm to the allocative efficiency of the economy .
4 The employer buys a contributor to an objective and tasks , but also buys a person , me , even though those tasks only require a part of me — the part that can do the job .
5 RUTHLESSLY AND efficiently putting down insurrections but retaining the support of the idolising masses , Mark E Smith 's Fall dynasty has always led a charmed existence as the band that can do no wrong .
6 RUTHLESSLY AND efficiently putting down insurrections but retaining the support of the idolising masses , Mark E Smith 's Fall dynasty has always led a charmed existence as the band that can do no wrong .
7 It was a lunchtime event which proved most enjoyable , and people left realising that it 's not only the banks that can do something to cover themselves .
8 One of the fellows that used to do contract work
9 Nevertheless , there is a computation that can be carried out on local areas of the image that will do the same job .
10 Certainly , it was impossible with the gear we had , and certainly with our lack of skill for getting to a positive point on the Earth that could do some good .
11 There ought to be a prayer that would do for all men , all the murdered bodies all over the world .
12 Brim 's translation ‘ You will be smitten with the Egyptian dermatitis , characterized by swellings , dry crusts , and ulcers , from which you will never be healed , and the Lord shall smite you in the knees , and in the legs , with a sore botch that can not be healed from the sole of thy foot to the top of thy head ’ not only gives a description that would do very well for syphilis but also pre-empts the habit of the fifteenth-century Europeans of ascribing the disease to the enemy .
13 ‘ Yeah , there are times , because certain guitars do n't have a wangy bar , that you get a great solo for most of the song and right at the end you want to maybe slide down and you ca n't do it , so you 'd have to find a guitar that would do that , and then blend it in . ’
14 Fifteen years later , when everyone believed that computers were designed for advanced scientific work , business unexpectedly showed an interest in a machine that could do payroll .
15 People should not be afraid to come in and say , ‘ I want a system to make my life easier ’ , or , ‘ I want a spreadsheet that will do this ’ . ’
16 Personally , I would be prepared to pay much m ore for a tool that would do the job required .
17 If you have a pattern that will do for an ordinary machine I would be very grateful .
18 Networks operating on this principle perform an operation that is likely to be extremely important for the neocortex , and it was actually the search for a mechanism that would do this that led us to the suggested modification rule : the modifiable interconnections tend to make the representative elements become uncorrelated , and thus to signal independently of each other .
19 The hon. Gentleman is in no position to talk about opt-outs , considering that his party has opted out of every necessary decision to assist this country in the past 10 years and has backed every inflationary wage claim , every piece of trade union militancy and every policy that would do damage to Britain and its future .
20 I am worried that , instead , we shall be handing over a barrage that will do little apart from create what is hoped to be an aesthetically pleasing impounded area of water .
21 A lot of Americans are meanwhile disenchanted with an alliance that commits them to defending a Europe that could do more for itself — especially a Europe that offers America so little , so ungraciously , in return .
22 And was this a would this be a man that would do this or would this just be a boy ?
23 ‘ What seems now a cloud no bigger than a man 's hand could turn out to be yet another inflationary and political storm for a government that could do without either . ’
24 There is , indeed , a snake — the Formosan banded krait — that gives you a type of instant miocencia , and the discovery that the venom of this animal contains a toxin that can do this has , indirectly , led to the elucidation of the mechanism behind miocenia gravis .
25 We also recognise that there is a tremendous problem for deferred pensioners in achieving reasonable transfer values er er er it 's a massive problem for them , even where they could find perhaps something to do with that money and a scheme that would do them better , not always , because there , there are people that give bad advice , but there are some that go into it very thoroughly and when it comes down to the bit the transfer value they receive makes it im practically impossible for them to do it .
26 It would indeed be difficult to imagine a language that would do all the work that our ordinary language does but would not include any " existence predicates " .
27 The Air Staff sought battlbattle-winningormance in an aircraft that would do virtually everything in all weathers from long-range nuclear deterrent strike , through all the phases of reconnaissance , down to close battlefield support for the Army , almost regardless of cost since it was to be their capital aircraft .
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