Example sentences of "[art] [noun] it [is] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Back at the tent it is getting late , so I set up the Trangia and cook myself a meal .
2 More worryingly for Labour , in six key target seats the number disappearing from the electoral rolls is higher than the majority it is trying to overturn .
3 And although labour shortages have forced the Japanese into making relatively heavy use of industrial robots , the maturity of the market and the direction it is taking nonetheless offer some indication of future trends elsewhere .
4 the abolition of profit making and democratic control mark out cooperation as nothing less than a revolution , so fundamental , vital , and transforming is the change it is effecting in the economic structure of society …
5 To save money the government has now cut by one-third the money it is spending on the resettlement area .
6 Moreover , the absence of any firm information about the progress it is making with the disposal has added to the belief that the £300m estimated price tag for the management division was too optimistic .
7 Commissioners are satisfied with the progress it is making to put its house in order .
8 A rose stem is not very thick , and it does not look very nice to use a stake so thick as to be out of proportion to the stem it is supporting .
9 One way is to check whether a consultancy has its own guidelines , aims and objectives for the audits it is offering .
10 I think that people need to know what we are providing so we need to be monitoring , continually monitoring that this is actually at the times it 's meeting people 's needs and I 'm sure that we will be hearing from members if it was n't , and we 're not I mean it seems to me that the level of services provided now is very satisfactory and we should n't y'know , obviously give our officers support to continue .
11 No , this is n't gon na smell , I like the condom it 's wearing
12 AT&T 's NCR Federal Systems Division is upgrading some of the products it is supplying as part of US government contracts : it has added the AT&T StarStation 386 DX PC to its $800 million , eight-year Office Automation Technology and Services ( OATS ) contract with the the Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) which it won back in in 1989 — 12,500 Intel 80386-based personal computers and 2,500 laptops have been shipped so far — and has upgraded computers supplied under the 1988 , $1bn Standard Multi-user Small Computer Requirements Contract to run Unix SVR4 .
13 Germany is at last waking up to the what has been clear to outsiders for the past year or so , that there is going to be no quick fix to the recession it is facing and that it will be long and grinding : this week the BDI industrial federation admitted that the downturn could develop into Germany 's worst recession since the end of World War II , saying that the western German economy will continue to decline , and the fall will be deeper than previously thought , so that in important sectors such as the capital goods industry the downturn will represent a new post-war record ; the body blames weak foreign demand for German goods , the now over-valued mark and rising costs for German industry and now admits it is the result of structural problems that will have long-term economic effects .
14 Since I started as an engineer , and have ended as a biologist , I am struck by the similarities between the two ways of thinking , although there is the difference that an engineer starts with a function to be performed , and designs a structure to perform it , whereas a biologist often starts with a structure , and has to work out the function it is performing .
15 To the layman it 's getting nasty , but to the city it 's all pretty tame stuff .
16 Listen to the noise it 's making . ’
17 Because there 's not the ingredients in the cleanser that there is the moisturizer and if you have any cleanser on the skin it 's blocking the work of the moisturizer .
18 The design of an organisation depends on the goals it is pursuing , its size , its market , the environment in which it operates and the technology it is employing .
19 free to come and go and er there is a contribution that 's held at the back , but here in , in the talk it 's highlighting their various ways , this is one of them that we can keep spiritually awake is by being aware of the need for financial contributions , Jehovah has done much for us through his organization and we can show love for him by full support with our time and finances and then another one look stay awake by showing love to you and act loyal sometimes it 's easier to show love to some in the congregation than others , we naturally have an affinity for one another and certain types of personalities seemed to gel with others do n't they ?
20 With ActionAid you know exactly where your money goes and the good it is doing . ’
21 [ … ] However the problem with regulation , as US experience testifies , is that the regulatory agency can become captured by the political interests of the industry it is regulating and fail to act as the guardian of consumers ' interests .
22 Water seeps down through the limestone , carrying along tiny deposits of the rock it 's washing away .
23 During a visit to Alabama on June 20 US President George Bush announced that he had " decided to suspend the dialogue between the USA and the PLO pending a satisfactory response from the PLO on the steps it is taking to resolve problems associated with the recent acts of terrorism " .
24 In such circumstances , if the Bank wishes to sell the stock it is holding over a reasonable time period , it will often be unable to avoid reducing its price .
25 ‘ Within the next eight hours , but the speed it 's travelling it could be sooner . ’
26 Sometimes the horse stretches out its neck at the horse it is trying to warn off and tosses its head up and down at it in a threatening manner .
27 The central character , Fonda 's part , is a writer of television commercials who can not stand the pressure of the effect it is having on his wife Sally ( played by Susan Strasberg ) and their marriage .
28 Our language can never be entirely value free but when you speak or write you need to think carefully of the effect it is having on others .
29 No notice is taken of the effect it is having on the recipient .
30 Complain that the Committee is not getting the coverage it ought to have for the work it 's doing .
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