Example sentences of "[art] [noun] to [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 All that I know so far — at least , all that is worth telling here — is that there are a number of different glycoproteins of a variety of molecular weights , on both pre- and postsynaptic sides of the membrane , involved in the response to training on the bead .
2 It is proposed to close the Park to traffic on Sundays .
3 ‘ The smoke 's over there , ’ he called , pointing the direction to Marian on the ground .
4 This was the third year running that Booker Fitch had given the award to students on the HCIMA course , and it attracted the greatest number of entries to date .
5 Colleagues , it 's my pleasure to make the award to Catherine on behalf of your , your union .
6 The Monopolies Commission took the board to task on three main issues : the use of ‘ target ’ rather than expected values in estimating parameters under the CEGB 's influence ( for example , construction cost and duration ) ; the use and presentation of sensitivity analysis around predicted outcomes ; and the lack of any firm basis for forecasting nuclear fuel-cycle costs .
7 The resistance to Heath on the part of the union movement clearly had mass support , but equally clearly this resistance movement was not able to constitute itself , as it were , into a hegemonic political force capable of securing a workable parliamentary majority through the Labour Party and imposing a radical alternative course of social development ( it was much less able , of course , to constitute itself as the nucleus of an alternative state power in an extra-parliamentary manner ) .
8 This century has seen the rise to prominence on the world-stage of the ecumenical movement , which grew out of the need felt by Christians engaged in foreign mission to overcome the divisions between churches and denominations which made less and less sense in the missionary context .
9 If word of the DUS 's discomfort reached beyond his office then there would be a titter around Century House , from Library in the basement to Administration on the Tenth .
10 A formula can be developed which may be complicated but under which the purchase price is paid in instalments and the precise amount of the instalments will decrease depending on the extent to which the purchaser has had to satisfy the debts to creditors on behalf of the vendor .
11 Walkers can also extend the excursion by continuing from Heiligenschwendi downhill in a southerly direction on the edge of the woods to Oberhofen on the lakeside ( approximately 40 minutes ) .
12 It 's you who holds the key , literally , the key to success on the court .
13 Balancing the two is the key to success on the Warhammer battlefield for any High Elf commander .
14 I interviewed two managers from Burger King in order to analyse the role of managers by relating information gathered in the interview to literature on managerial control , power , leadership , motivation , and technology .
15 There 's projects with the kids you know get the kids to work on what they want what they want to see get them to work on their parents and find out you could find out then whether there is or not in Harlow .
16 Getting the kids to school on time
17 They were to take the car to Newry on the morning of 10th April .
18 ( The aircraft to Paris on Oct. 30 also carried four British nationals , nine Greeks , one Dutch and one Spanish national and two Filipinos . )
19 MC Cornwall TR3 6HR THE inheritance tax changes announced in the Budget did not become law so the nil rate band will have increased automatically by the RPI to £147,000 on Monday .
20 Reading the two clauses together , the quantification direction did , in our opinion , entitle the defendants to quantification on an indemnity basis but did not entitle the defendants to recover costs , charges and expenses that had been unreasonably incurred or were of an unreasonable amount .
21 I followed the Awash as far as Bilen and then turned eastwards across the desert to Afdam on the railway .
22 Koons reacted by shipping the work to Germany on a long-term museum loan , at which point the court held him in contempt , a charge which carries a daily fine .
23 2.1 Following detailed discussion at the Council 's Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee , it has been decided that SCOTVEC should now proceed beyond the pilot programme to implementation of the new system : it was felt that the work to date on the pilot courses has provided enough experience to confirm the adoption of the Policy Paper 's principles as the basis of the new operational system .
24 The reference to Death on a pale horse in the Apocalypse , and the shoemaker ?
25 On LP this never sounded particularly impressive but the transfer to CD on DG ‘ Galleria ’ ( ) has blown away the sonic cobwebs to reveal a blazing treasure and a worthy comparison for his incandescent Bruckner 4 with the same orchestra ( Decca ) .
26 He justified the return to Theo on economic grounds , while stifling a feeling of failure that was liable to erupt in displays of growling boorishness .
27 He 's been travelling up and down the country for over a quarter of a century watching the Clarets and he would n't dream of being anywhere else but on the coach to Brighton on Boxing Day .
28 The company says it 'll be shipping the equipment to Tripoli on Friday , despite a Foreign Office warning that Britons in Libya are being refused exit visas in the row over the Lockerbie bombing.Mike Rowbottom reports
29 Because of the danger to cars on Marine Drive , the local council insists no climbing takes place between 9 am and 6 pm on bank holiday weekends , and throughout July , August and the first week of September .
30 Much of the groundwork to date on E-mail and Broadcast — a handy message service — has been carried out at little cost .
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