Example sentences of "[art] [noun] of [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 They oversee the activities of both the port and the free zone .
2 Since they are subject to the disciplines of neither the market nor the ballot box they can become ineffectual .
3 The weakness of both the holistic and individualistic approaches is that they are both in their different ways incapable of explaining the origins of phenomena ; yet it is the origins which are of first importance in understanding human psychology and society .
4 In short , the attitudes of both the social elite and the labor movement have served to hinder economic growth .
5 In particular , it is worth experimenting with the direction of both the roll and the stall turn to see if any improvement can be found .
6 However , one local authority should not receive double the amount of grant received by another only a few miles away for the provision of exactly the same level of service , which is the case at the moment .
7 It is true that it must be able to check the excesses of even the ruling class ; but Poulantzas also has to account for the tendency of capitalist states to favour capitalist interests .
8 After raising his score to twenty-nine and now uniquely entitled to wear the ribbons of both the DSO and the DFC , each with two silver rosettes denoting two bars , Braham 's luck ran out over Denmark on 25 June 1944 .
9 The conference had nothing like the coverage of either the British Medical Association or Royal Institute of British Architects festivities , so its impact on the public at the time was negligible ; but it marked a significant turn in the Prince 's own farming methods , brought environmental concerns slowly into consumer consciousness and in the long term dealt a devastating blow to the agrochemical industry .
10 Their chairman would have the support of both the Secretary of State and the LEA in discouraging , and ultimately forbidding , discussion of the performance of an individual pupil or teacher at an annual parents ' meeting .
11 The vote , by 298 to 125 , defied the wishes of both the Bush administration and the Democratic and Republican leadership in both houses of Congress .
12 There is a £50,000 bonus available to the winner of both the Irish Champion and Cheltenham 's premier hurdle .
13 The winner of both The Open and American Open titles was back in business .
14 They witness to a process of realisation of the confusion , frustration , failure and partiality at the heart of even the best of human experience , let alone the worst , which makes them essentially accessible to all ; but they also witness to an awakening understanding of the fact that these are the very means of the experience of transformation .
15 Even in the heart of supposedly the most advanced power , Britain , the issue of Irish national liberation re-emerged in the Easter Rising of 1916 ; for the British , this was as shocking in act of disloyalty in the midst of war as was the Bolshevik revolution for the Russian establishment .
16 In the case of both the ERM and the Single Currency , the weak country is at the mercy of the strong one and is forced to run policies which may well be diametrically against its own interests .
17 The combined effect of these provisions is to give a power of summary arrest in the case of all the more serious offences and many of the most commonly committed offences , e.g. murder , manslaughter , the major offences against the person , offences under the Criminal Damage Act and almost all the Theft Act offences .
18 It is of the essence of that jurisdiction that the court has the power and the responsibility in appropriate cases to override the views of both the child and the parent in determining what is in the child 's best interests .
19 One advantage of the correction of twice the number of degrees off track , is that it produces the two equal sides of an isosceles triangle .
20 Unless the seller commits a breach of condition or commits a breach of warranty which is so serious as to deprive the buyer of substantially the whole benefit of the contract , the buyer has no right to reject the goods or recover the price ( see paragraph 7–04 above ) .
21 The buyer 's right to treat the contract as repudiated arises in the same circumstances as his right to reject the goods , i. e. if the seller commits a breach of condition or a breach of warranty which deprives the buyer of substantially the whole benefit of the contract ( see paragraph 7–04 , above ) .
22 Thus if the seller is in breach of one of them , the buyer will not be entitled to reject the goods unless the seller 's breach is such as to deprive the buyer of substantially the whole benefit of the contract , Cehave v. Bremer ; paragraph 7–04 above .
23 These figures , emanating from the Council of Mortgage Lenders , are challenged by Janet Ford who claims that they underestimate the number of people in arrears because they rely upon cross-sectional data , drawn from the experience of only the largest mortgage lenders .
24 Most of the coastal details of these islands were fairly well known to the hydrographers of both the British and Dutch navies , but little was known about their inland geography .
25 I have suggested a way of learning which uses the skills of both the teacher and the trained nurse in the clinical environment , working together to improve patient care .
26 b , DP-1 associates with p107 ; DRTF1/E2F was resolved in an F9 EC cell extract in the presence of either the control monoclonal antibody ( A7 ; track 1 ) , anti Rb ( IF8 ; track 2 ) , or anti-p107 ( SD9 ; track 3 ) ; note that anti-p107 reduced level of DRTF1a .
27 Furthermore , small-degree partial melting in the presence of only the main upper-mantle mineral phases ( assuming plagioclase is not involved ) should not produce a positive correlation between U/Pb and Ce/Pb ( Fig. 3 c ) on the basis of published mineral-melt distribution coefficients .
28 ‘ Over there is an occasional table with a vase of flowers , dried and well past their best , and down there is the piano ; and one , may I add , which would try the patience of even the totally tone-deaf . ’
29 At the clearing stations the backlog of even the partially repaired mounted alarmingly as , with the constant demand of the Voie Sacrée supply route , all too few vehicles could be spared for use as ambulances .
30 South Armagh , once known as bandit country , is notorious for the operations of arguably the most effective and committed members of the Provisional Irish Republican Army .
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