Example sentences of "[art] [noun] what a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He even does the ironing what a man !
2 He even does the ironing what a man !
3 However , one can not satisfactorily identify the question what a speaker meant in saying something with the question what caused his utterance .
4 The reason why the doing what a man is already bound to do is no consideration , is not only because such a consideration is in judgment of law of no value , but because a man can hardly be allowed to say that the prior legal obligation was not his determining motive .
5 Detective could you just say to the jury what a field intelligence officer is ?
6 Ca n't tell the ref what a man !
7 Gordon Craig once said that ‘ a bookplate is to the book what a collar is to the dog ’ — a wisecrack not wholly true , since the purpose of the plate is not to enable a book to be led round by its owner , or even for it to be returned by the police when lost .
8 Joy to the World what a Saviour .
9 Are you going to tell the truth and shew the world what a strumpet you are ? "
10 STEVE DAVIS won the world title for the first time in 1981 and the following year we went back to Sheffield to show the world what a class act we were .
11 We did not appreciate at the time what a wrench leaving the Weir House must have been for him , nor the difficulty he had in adjusting himself to four assertive stepsons he hardly knew .
12 As for his critics ( Wilson et al ) , compared to the breadth of interest and activity on display here , who gives a toss what a critic thinks , apart from the critic himself ?
13 She realised with a shock what a mystery her children were to her , and what a mystery she must seem to them .
14 First , at the time Jones had no idea what a storm was going to erupt about test-tube fusion and in notifying the DOE of his possible conflict of interest he was already being exceedingly conscientious and could , for example , have chosen instead to have remained an anonymous reviewer as far as the chemists were concerned .
15 And he had no idea what a dulcimer sounded like anyway .
16 You have no idea what a surge of adrenalin it caused when our crowd burst into voice like that , then gave such a huge cheer when a great Craig Chalmers diagonal found touch ten metres out .
17 When the Scottish Institute employed Charlie Clark as its property manager eight years ago , after he left the army , it had no idea what a talent it had acquired .
18 Sir , — Contrary to your assertion ( see ACCOUNTANCY , October , p 14 ) that ‘ When the Scottish Institute employed Charlie Clark … it had no idea what a talent it had acquired , ’ we certainly knew of Charlie 's pre-eminence as a piper .
19 The first impression that Talbot had of Wotherspoon was that he did n't look a bit like a professor or an archaeologist but then , he had to admit , he had no idea what a professor or archaeologist was supposed to look like .
20 I burst out laughing because all the costermongers in the Whitechapel Road always did whenever they heard that word , although I admit that at the time I did n't have a clue what a virgin was .
21 Milvia certainly would n't have a clue what a report looks like cos I do n't !
22 Erm and how we can speak to time and how we can control that time and make sure that even with interruptions which is what in a way what a meeting is about a discussion , that we 're able to stick to the time that we 've allocated for the particular meeting or presentation that we 've got .
23 I mean I bought one or two pair of clogs when I was on the dredger and we 'd take the iro iron piece off underneath , that 's just like a , a shoe what a horse have , like go round the
24 Yes , and this is why I want to look at this week at a glance diary , so that you will go away and I want you to fill this in as I 'm filling in on the board , you 'll go away with an idea what a diary , sorry , spit there , ha , erm , of what a diary will look like roughly , so that you know what your diary should look like every week .
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