Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [unc] [noun pl] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The first draft provides guidance on the auditor 's responsibilities relating to the audit of figures from preceding periods which are required to be included in , and therefore form part of , the current financial statements .
2 A quick visit to the Roaches the day after Buxton revealed dozens of the climbers ' cars stretching along the road , and gritstone 's most sculptural crag crawling with their occupants .
3 This problem causes the available land to be used unevenly , and can lead to the birds ' droppings saturating the ground surrounding the house .
4 Since the sex , age and social class distributions for the general population are known it is not difficult to parcel out the interviewers ' tasks according to these criteria .
5 They strove to keep the canoe 's bows heading into steep seas while they baled with tin mugs whenever there was a moment 's let-up in the fury .
6 information relating to the radio , time and outside temperature are located high on the dashboard to avoid the driver 's eyes straying from the road
7 The only sounds to be heard were the sheep 's teeth tearing grass and their low , rumbling bleats .
8 NICHOLAS Baring ( above ) , chairman of Commercial Union , told the annual meeting yesterday there had been minimal disturbance to the insurer 's services following the IRA bomb last Friday .
9 Armoured Hearthwares with red sashes belting their middles laboured on to the battlements with the defender 's weapons pounding them like smith 's hammers on an anvil .
10 But the Prime Minister left Washington yesterday with the president 's praises ringing in his ears .
11 This overturns the recommendations made by one of the Department 's inspectors following a four day public enquiry last June .
12 Families are everywhere , the kids ' faces shining with excitement , no obscene chanting or vomiting hooligans to spoil their delight .
13 The court also rejected an argument which was to be advanced , in varying forms , in many later cases : that the evidence sought could be provided within the territorial jurisdiction of the Californian courts either by the defendant 's officials travelling to California , or by the answers being provided by counsel in Los Angeles .
14 A right-hand fork appeared suddenly ; Volkov took it , the Renault 's tyres screeching .
15 All this increased activity , the shelling and mortaring , with the German counter attacks on the Brigade 's positions increasing .
16 The horse 's hooves ringing clear ?
17 Now she was rattling along the empty streets , the horse 's hooves sounding sharp and crisp in the silence .
18 Rob Roy ( Keith Jones 2 , Dave Massett ) won 3-2 at Sullivan Express and Blue Union struck something resembling normal form with a 6-2 home success against CC Speke ( Peter Lavelle , John Stanley ) , the winners ' goals coming from Phil Smith ( 2 ) , Colin Harris , Tony Hawkins , Mark Davies and Kenny Jones .
19 This prevented the girl 's parents taking her away from the home of her 18-year-old boyfriend .
20 The children on the roundabout can be made as intricate as your time or patience allows — the effect of the girl 's plaits streaming in the wind is quite easy to achieve .
21 Of the verderers he could see nothing , but so strong was his sense of present danger that Allen remained half-hidden watching until the sun came up over the forest and the wet rock slabs of the Waste shone like glass and he could feel the first faint warmth of the sun 's beams striking on his face .
22 The 1980s ended with the tabloids ' confidence waning , and with the Sun 's nudes moving to page five , perhaps to slip away for good .
23 At first it was cool and beautiful , the sun 's rays piercing the trees and shimmering on the gorse and heather like light through the coloured glass of a cathedral window .
24 ‘ Have you ever seen the sun 's rays streaking through a stained glass window ? ’
25 On a sunny evening you can stay to catch the last of the sun 's rays highlighting Scafell 's famous buttresses .
26 While the major policy-making and orientation roles rested with the members of the Council and its multiplicity of committees , the search for promotional roles in association with the institutions was inevitably a key part of the activities we have seen the CNAA 's officers playing .
27 Even so , Mr Yeltsin seems determined to keep the reformers ' colours flying .
28 The only water to be seen was the boy 's tears falling into the sand .
29 Due consideration must then be given to the child 's views having regard to his age and understanding .
30 ( d ) Transfer to another county court One care centre may transfer proceedings to another care centre if this would be in the child 's interests having regard to the need to avoid delay .
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